古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - Capacity什麽意思


capacity: [ k?0?5'p?0?3siti ] n. 能力,容量,容積

[ 名詞復數capacities ]


1. The lift has a capacity of 15 persons.

這部電梯的載容量為15 人。 2. Some people have a greater capacity for happiness than others.

有的人享得起福,有的人享不起福。 3. What's the cubic capacity of this engine?

這臺發動機的立體容積是多少? 4. I do not believe in equality of capacity, but I do believe in equality of opportunity.

我不相信能力均等,但我確實相信機會均等。 5. The drama drew a capacity audience; you should have gone to see it.

這出戲吸引了滿場觀眾;妳真該去看的。 6. In prospect of increase in demand, we should operate at full capacity.

預計需求會有很大增長, 我們應該開足馬力生產。