1、She bore herself with dignity throughout the funeral.(整個葬禮過程中她都保持著尊嚴。)
2、Only the nearest relatives were present at the funeral.(只有幾位近親參加了葬禮。)
3、This funeral stopped the further growth of one thing—the petition to the governor for Injun Joe'spardon.(這個葬禮阻止了壹件事的進壹步發展——向州長請願,要求赦免印第安·喬。)
4、The funeral will be carried out this afternoon at 3:00.(葬禮將在今天下午3點舉行。)
5、Hundreds of people attended the funeral.(數百人參加了葬禮。)
6、People from across the world gathered in London to hear Big Ben's last chime and some of them even cried,as if they were attending a friend's funeral.(來自世界各地的人們聚集在倫敦,聆聽大本鐘的最後壹次鐘聲,其中壹些人甚至哭了,就像在參加朋友的葬禮壹樣。)