古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - skyfall什麽意思


不好意思,Chicken Little這個電影名字我之前是翻譯不好的,是百度出來的,但是大體意思我是能看懂的。妳是需要椅子壹句翻譯出來只要您看明白呢?還是說要交作業什麽的,需要答案再盡善盡美壹點?


天要塌了麽?答案是否定的。(Will the skyfall? The answer is no.)

但是如果天真的發生了,也沒有必要去擔心它。(But if it happens, there’s no need to be afraid!)

美國電影《四眼天雞》於2005年11月4號首映。(The American movie Chicken Little opened on November 4th, 2005.)

這部電影告訴我們:在我們的日常生活中不要憂慮太多。(The movie teaches us:

don’t worry too much in your life.)

有壹天,雞仔走在森林裏,突然有壹顆橡果砸到了他的頭上。(One day Chicken Little is in the woods when an acorn(橡果)falls on his head!)

這讓他很是擔憂。(This makes him afraid.)

他認為壹小片天要掉下來了。(He thinks a piece of the sky is falling!)

他迫不及待的告訴其他人這個事情。(He can’t wait totell the others about it.)

之後大家都各自逃命。(They run for their lives!)

當大家都了解了真相後,都不喜歡雞仔了。(When the others learn the truth, no one likes Chicken Little any more.)

嘲笑他。(They laugh at him.)

雞仔在鎮上有了壹個很糟糕的外號:OK Oask。(He gets a bad name in the town,Oakey Oask.)

是時候讓大家夥改變對他的看法了。(It’s time for him to change others’ minds.)

雞仔開始練習打籃球了。(Chicken Little begins to play baseball.)

他雖然還沒有壹個球大,但是他玩的很不錯。(He is not bigger than a ball, but he plays very well!)

他幫助他的隊伍獲得了勝利。(He helps his team win.)

如今大夥都認為雞仔很了不起的。(Now they think he’s great.)

就在這時,壹艘太空飛船從天而降,(Just then, a spaceship falls from the sky!)

這些外星人在策劃壹些陰謀。(The aliens have bad plans.)

於是再壹次雞仔必須告訴大夥他們要“天要塌了”。(Once again he must

tell people about it.

他會得到鎮上的夥伴們的幫助麽?(Will he get help from his friends in town?)

他能證明自己說的是對的麽?他還有勇氣去做這件事麽?(Can he show himself to believable(可信的)and brave?

通過看電影妳可以得到結果。(You can watch the film to find it out!)
