1、My best friend has been like a sister to me.我最要好的壹個朋友待我親如姐妹。I really value him as a friend.我真的把他視為好朋友。
2、We are still friends,though,which is good.不過我們仍然是朋友,這令人感到欣慰。He's made a lot of new friends.他交了許多新朋友。
3、We've been friends a long time.我們是老朋友了。They've been best friends since they were children.他們從孩提時起就是最要好的朋友。
4、He's one of my best friends.他是我最要好的朋友之壹。Her friends from work came to see her in the hospital.她工作單位的朋友來醫院看望她。
5、Her family and friends have given her lots of support.家人和朋友給了她許多幫助。She met up with some of her old school friends.她遇見幾個老同學。
6、I often think about my friends back home.我常常想起老家的朋友。She never had any real friends at school.在學校,她從來沒有交過真正的朋友。
7、Join a social club to make new friends.加入壹個社交俱樂部,好交壹些新朋友。Do your parents take an interest in your friends?妳的父母有興趣了解妳的朋友嗎?
8、She found it difficult to make friends because of her natural reserve.她因天性矜持很難交到朋友。These new friends of hers are supposed to be very rich.她的這些新朋友想必都很富有。
9、He didn't much care for her friends.他不太喜歡她的朋友。Those friends are a bad influence on her.那些朋友對她有負面的影響。
10、I know we're friends,but this is strictly business.我知道我們是朋友,但這完全是公務。He showed great discrimination in his choice of friends.他在擇友方面頗具慧眼。