說, 講說明; 表達念; 背誦報道, 寫道[常用於虛擬語氣、祈使句] 比如說; 姑且說; 假定說; 大約Be polite and say "Please" and "Thank you ". 要有禮貌, 說"請", "謝謝妳"。 Say it again in English. 用英語再說壹遍。 Say what you think . 把妳的想法說出來。 My watch says twenty past eight. 我的表是八點二十分。 The look on his face said that he was confident of success. 他臉上的表情顯示他對成功具有信心。 He said his lesson [part]. 他背課文[臺詞]。 The book says nothing about the affair. 書上對這件事什麽也沒有談。 The radio says no rain today. 電臺預報今日無雨。 The number left was not great, say, only ten. 余下的數目不大, 姑且說, 只有十個罷。 Say your plan fails; then what do we do ? 假定妳的計劃失敗了, 那末我們怎麽辦呢?習慣用語 so say l 我[我們]也是這麽說的, 我[我們]的意見也是如此 so say all of us 我[我們]也是這麽說的, 我[我們]的意見也是如此 and so say l 我[我們]也是這麽說的, 我[我們]的意見也是如此 and so say all of us 我[我們]也是這麽說的, 我[我們]的意見也是如此 as much as to say 等於說, 仿佛說 as who should say [古]可謂, 可以這樣說 before one can say Jack Robinson [口]壹下子, 壹眨眼工夫, 馬上 before one can say knife [口]壹下子, 壹眨眼工夫, 馬上 before one could say Jack Robinson [口]壹下子, 壹眨眼工夫, 馬上 before one could say knife [口]壹下子, 壹眨眼工夫, 馬上 before you can say Jack Robinson [口]壹下子, 壹眨眼工夫, 馬上 before you can say knife [口]壹下子, 壹眨眼工夫, 馬上 before you could say Jack Robinson [口]壹下子, 壹眨眼工夫, 馬上 before you could say knife [口]壹下子, 壹眨眼工夫, 馬上 Easier said than done. [諺]說起來容易做起來難。 have no say in sth. 對某事有[沒有, 沒有多大]發言權 have a say in sth. 對某事有[沒有, 沒有多大]發言權 have not much say in sth. 對某事有[沒有, 沒有多大]發言權 have one's say 說出要說的話, 暢所欲言 say one's say 說出要說的話, 暢所欲言 say out one's say 說出要說的話, 暢所欲言 have sth. to say for oneself 有要辯白的話 have the say [say-so] [美]有最後決定權 He who says what he likes, shall hear what he does not like. 隨意說話的人遲早會聽到他不中意的話。 give one his say 讓人把話講出來 have one's say 把話說完, 把想法說出來 hear say 聽說, 據說 I can't say! [口](壹種表示否定的委婉說法)我不知道, 我說不上 I couldn't say! [口](壹種表示否定的委婉說法)我不知道, 我說不上 I cannot say much for 對...我認為不怎麽好, 對...我不敢恭維 I dare say 我想, 大概 I'll say 我確實認為 I say! (= Say !)[口](引起對方註意)嘿, 餵, 聽著, 瞧!(表示驚奇)嗨! I should say 我想, 大概, 也許 I won't say no. 我不反對; 樂意接受; 奉陪 I wouldn't say no. 我不反對; 樂意接受; 奉陪 It is said that ... 據說, 聽說 It says in [口]在...上寫道, 在...上說 It says on [口]在...上寫道, 在...上說 Learn to say before you sing. 先學說再學唱; 凡事要按部就班。 Least said, soonest mended. [諺]少說為妙, 多說壞事。 let ussay (=say) 比方說, 例如; 假定; 姑且說 needless to say 不用說, 不出意科 No sooner said than done. 說到就做, 說到做到。 not say much for 對...不作好評, 對...評價不高 not to say 雖然不能說, 即使不能說 So you say! 妳那麽說嘛!(意即事實不壹定如此) that is to say 即, 就是, 換句話說, 就是說; 更確切地說 that is 即, 就是, 換句話說, 就是說; 更確切地說 That's what you say. (表示懷疑, 不相信等)這不過是妳說的! 只聽到妳壹個人這麽說! There is much to be said on both sides. 兩方面都可以講出許多道理來; 公說公有理, 婆說婆有理。 They say 人家說, 據說 What do you say to sth. [口]妳贊成不贊成做某事? 妳喜歡不喜歡做某事?妳對某事有什麽意見? wold you say to sth. [口]妳贊成不贊成做某事? 妳喜歡不喜歡做某事?妳對某事有什麽意見? What do you say to doing sth. [口]妳贊成不贊成做某事? 妳喜歡不喜歡做某事?妳對某事有什麽意見? wold you say to doing sth. [口]妳贊成不贊成做某事? 妳喜歡不喜歡做某事?妳對某事有什麽意見? what I say 我的看法[意見] What sb. says goes. 某人說話是算數的[信得過、行得通的]; 照某人的話辦。 What will Mrs Grundy say? (=What will the worldsay?) 不知人家會怎麽議論? 不知社會上的人會怎麽批評? when all is said and done 說到底, 畢竟, 歸根到底 You can saythat again! [口]我完全同意! 妳說對了! You don't say (so)? 未必吧! 不會吧! 真的嗎? You may well say [口]妳完全有理由(這樣)說; 妳不妨(那麽)說。 You may well say so [口]妳完全有理由(這樣)說; 妳不妨(那麽)說。 You said it. [美口]正是這樣; 妳說對了; 我同意。 Say away! [口]說吧! 說出來吧! say for oneself 為自己辯護, 辯解; 為自己找借口 say no 否定, 否認, 拒絕, 反對 Say no more! [口]不用再說下去了! 妳的意思我完全懂了! Say on! [口]說下去! 繼續說! say out 直說, 坦率說出 say over 背誦 say to oneself 自言自語; 心裏想 say well 說得好, 說得對 say when 酒斟夠了請說壹聲 [喻]停止, 制止 say yes 肯定, 承認, 同意, 贊成 Says you! [美俚]我不信! 去妳的! 胡說! Sez you! [美俚]我不信! 去妳的! 胡說