古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - fade away什麽意思中文

fade away什麽意思中文

fade away的意思是:逐漸消失。


1、Like Canada, the US and several other developed nations, Britain appears to be happy to sit back and watch as hopes of reaching a binding international deal to cut carbon emissions?fade?away.


2、Everyone has bad habits and in time it will?fade?away?when we get to know personally that it is not good for our relationships with the ones we love.


3、While we acclaimed for his great victory, what is this going to leave to everyone of us after the game and all the glories?fade?away?from our memory?


4、For centuries astronomers have recorded when these dark blemishes on the solar surface emerge only for them to?fade?away?again after a few days weeks or months.


5、What we can predict in the future is that on-line shopping is not going to?fade?away, instead, it will boost like the mushrooms after spring rains.
