古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - russell是什麽意思


russell是什麽意思:羅素; 拉塞爾; 羅塞爾; 魯塞爾; 牽引

russell 英[?r?s(?)l] 美[?r?s?l] 網絡 羅素; 拉塞爾; 羅塞爾; 魯塞爾; 牽引; [例句]He believed in the philosophy of?Russell.他信奉羅素的哲學。

The company has found innovative ways to save money , says mr russell .羅素指出,該公司已經找到了節約資金的創新方法。People seemed naturally to think in twos when jane russell 's name popped up .當簡拉塞爾的名字蹦出在眼前時,大概人們很自然的會想到到兩個物體。

That is the message from the latest compensation survey from russell reynolds associates .這是羅盛咨詢(russellreynoldsassociates)最近壹份薪酬調查報告中傳遞出來的信息。Dalton russell : don 't I sound calm to you ?道爾頓賽爾:難道我的聲音聽起來不夠冷靜嗎?

Russell told me he could say nothing more about the matter because as a former government employee he was subject to a confidentiality agreement .魯塞爾告訴我,這件事不能說太細,因為作為壹名前政府雇員,他也受保密協議的約束。