古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - qtp9.2安裝問題



QTP9.2安裝問題匯總(轉載) 收藏

關於License error的問題已經解決了。

1.如果遇到 License error的問題,首先需要卸載QTP9.2。

2.然後刪除C:"Program Files"下的Mercury Interactive文件夾。

3.再刪除C:"Program Files"Common Files"下的Mercury Interactive文件夾。

4.在註冊表中搜索Mercury Interactive,刪除所有的Mercury Interactive值。


如果,妳安裝好了QTP,確認沒有任何安裝步驟上的錯誤,但是,當妳點擊它的桌面圖片試圖打開時,它總是頻繁彈出關於VLS的警告窗口,當妳很耐心的點完所有的警告查窗口後,妳會發現,啟動起來的QTP原來是個報廢的,它不能Record,Stop按鈕都是灰的,無法正常運行!那麽這個時候,請檢查妳的 TEMP和TEM環境變量的配置,如果配置確認無誤,很有可能就時妳的系統帳戶時中文的(因為我就是中文的賬戶名,所以導致了所以的發生)。


PS:即便這樣我還是沒解決問題,因為又出現了新問題:runtime error ,查了壹下,問題可能出在這:

it means that the application has not been able to open the Windows File dialog box due to a problem in the Windows registry. This problem usually occurs when you are trying to open event files or People databases and have clicked on the Browse button.

To work around this you need ensure that the common dialog control (comdlg32.ocx) is correctly registered. To do this take the following steps.

1. Click Start and select Run

2. Enter "regsvr32.exe comdlg32.ocx" (without the quotes)

If this does not correct the problem take the following steps.

1. Remove the application which had the problem using the Control Panel utility Add/Remove Programs

2. Reinstall the application

3. Click Start and select Run

4. Enter "regsvr32.exe comdlg32.ocx" (without the quotes)

runtime error問題解決辦法:運行regedit進入註冊表, 在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"SOFTWARE"Microsoft"Windows"CurrentVersion"Explorer"ShellExecuteHooks 下,應該只有壹個正常的鍵值{AEB6717E-7E19-11d0-97EE-00C04FD91972}, 將其他的刪除。


開始-運行- 輸入cmd-- 回車,在命令提示符下輸入下面命令

for %1 in (%windir%"system32"*.dll) do regsvr32.exe /s %1
