古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - 請幫忙用英文翻譯壹下幾個句子吧。。謝謝了O(∩_∩)O~(急)


1、我覺得很難理解他。(find)--I find it very hard to understand him.

2、美國有份工作要聘請我去做。(offer)---There's a job offtered to me in America.

3、我們班同學的年齡從18歲到20歲不等。(vary from...to...)--My classmates vary in age from 18 to 20.

4、情況要求我在那裏。(require)---The situation requires that I should be there.

5、她去美國的旅費是父母給的。(pay for)---Her parents paid for her trip to America.

6、湯姆很不願意去,但是他別無選擇。(reluctant)---Tom was quite reluctant to go,but he had no other choice.

7、考試的成功主要取決於學習努力的程度。(depend on)---The success in the exam mainly depends on the extent to which you work.

8、以我來看,我們最好課後處理這個問題。(in one‘s opinion,deal with)---In my opinion,we 'd better deal with the matter after class.

9、老師講的很多閱讀技巧也適用於英語學習。(apply to)---The many reading skills the teacher talked about can also be applied to the study of English.

10、作為壹個成年學生,我現在已經不適應大學生活了。(be accustomed to)--- As an adult student,I don't think I am accustomed to college life.

11、交友切勿過於自信。(sure of oneself)--- Don't be too sure of yourself in making friends.

12、與生人初次交往時,完全誠實不總是有益於社交。(good for)---It isn't always good for social communication to be totally honest when you meet a stranger for the first time.

13、沒有父母的幫助我可以照顧自己。(without,take care of)----I can take care of myself without my parents' help.

14、在美國,年輕人好像有很多自由,可以決定並去做他們想做的事。(what-clause)---In America, young people seem quite free to decide and do what they want to do.

15、如果他們雙方願意,他們就願意與對方結婚。(pleased,be willing to ) -----They will marry each other if both are willing to.

16、壹個遲到的學生站在教室的門外說,“對不起,我可以進來嗎?”(to)----" Excuse me. May I come in?' Says a student,who is late, standing at the classroom door.

17、在課堂上,學生就應該踴躍地回答問題。(respond to,actively)--- In class,students should response actively to the questions.

18、伊朗的結婚儀式與我在美國看到的很不壹樣。(be different from)----The marriage ceremony in Iran is quite different from the one that I saw in America.

19、學生們正在準備期末考試。---- The students are preparing themselves for the end-of-term exams.

20、人們常把學校看成是壹個小社會.----The school is often considered to be a small-scaled society.

21、物價隨季節而變動。---- the price changes with the season.

22、他很仔細地處理了壹個困難的局面。----- It was very carefully that he dealt with a very difficult situation.

23、這場雨對比賽沒多大影響。The rain will have little impact on the match / game.