古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - awaken的過去式和過去分詞


awaken的過去式:awakened awaken,過去分詞:awakened awaken,現在分詞:awakening。具體如下:

awaken,英 [?'we?k(?)n]美 [?'wek?n],醒,喚醒的意思。短語:Awaken Treelord 喚醒樹王;Dream Awaken 夢醒時分;Insect Awaken 驚蟄。

例句:Please awaken me at seven. 請於7點喚醒我。Does this infinite awaken in us the idea of essence, while we can attribute toourselves only the idea of existence? 那個無極是不是在我們心中喚起本體的概念,而我們只能賦予自己以存在的概念呢?

Its biggest downside is that, on occasion, computers fail to 'awaken' properly fromthis mode, and you have to do a full restart. 這樣做最大的壹個不利之處是,有時電腦不會從這種狀態下正常“喚醒”,妳需要完全重新啟動電腦。