古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - ado怎麽讀




1、He had much?ado?in finding out his lodging .他費盡力氣才找到住處。

2、Upon this the goat without any more?ado?leaped in .於是山羊立刻跳下去。

3、An hour later there was a great?ado?on the aventine hill.壹小時之後,阿文廷山上發生了壹場大亂子。

4、It's really you that i wish to see, I came out with no more?ado.我要見的實際是妳,因此我幹脆到這兒來了。

5、The servants likewise used me saucily, and had much?ado?to keep their hands off me.有幾個仆人對我很無禮,要他們的手不碰我是很難的。

6、"bless you! don't make such?ado?about it," said margret, cutting short mary's thanks.“天知道!妳不要大驚小怪,”瑪格麗特岔開了瑪麗許多感謝的話。

7、She studied how to arrange her hair and there was much?ado?about that before it was finally adjusted.她又研究怎樣裝扮頭發,經過不少周折,最後才整理好。