1.letterhead(typed on printed letterhead paper, containing: a. the name of the company; b.its address and postal code; c.telephone number; d.fax number; e. company website address; f.e-mail address; g.a trademark or a slogan, etc)
2.date(typed below the last line of the letterhead)
3.insideaddress(the address of the person or organization receiving the letter issingle-spaced at the left margin. The inside address should be the same as theaddress on the envelope)
5.salutation (two lines below the last line of theinside address or attention line if used)
6.subjectline (below or above the salutation, alerting the reader to the contents ,often underlined or typed in capital)
7.body(actual message)
8.complimentaryclose (two lines below the last line of the letter)
9.signature (three blank lines should be left above thetyped name of the author)
10.referenceinitials (initials of the typist aretyped two lines below the author?s name and title; if typist initials included,author?s initials go before the typist?s)
11.enclosure(on attachment) (Enclosure: Copy ofInvoice 6309)
12.copynotion (if the letter is made for other individuals, a copy notation is typedone or two lines below the enclosure notation if used)
1606 Fifth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98103
July 30, 2013
Pacific Resources, Inc.
1160 Bishop Street
Honolulu, HI 99813
Attention: Mr. Alicia Chavez
Ladies and Gentlemen
Subject: Office letter style
Our office prefers the block letter style,as shown?..
I am enclosing samples of ourintra-company?..
Yours faithfully,
Eric Mann, Consultant
Community Service Department
EM: mef
Encl: Intra-company stationery andmemorandum forms
CC: Ms. Laura Schultz
Mr. Andrew Farmer