古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - 幫我翻譯下這 歌詞 VIVA LA VIDA

幫我翻譯下這 歌詞 VIVA LA VIDA

Coldplay - Viva la Vida 生命萬歲

I used to rule the world /我曾經主宰世界

Seas would rise when I gave the word /壹聲號令 大浪升平

Now in the morning I sweep alone /如今我清晨獨掃

Sweep the streets I used to own /清掃我曾經擁有的街道

I used to roll the dice /我曾孤註壹擲

Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes /直視敵人眼中恐懼

Listen as the crowd would sing: /聽人群高唱

Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" /舊朝已逝,新王萬歲

One minute I held the key /我執掌的那壹刻

Next the walls were closed on me /深墻遂將我緊閉

And I discovered that my castles stand /然後我發現我的城堡

Upon pillars of salt, pillars of sand /屹立在易碎的鹽柱之上

I hear Jerusalem's bell's ringing /我聽到耶路撒冷聖鐘敲響

Roman Cavalry choirs are singing /羅馬騎兵樂團在歌唱

Be my mirror my sword and shield /我的劍盾 閃亮可鑒

My missionaries in a foreign field /卻在陌生的領域履行使命

For some reason I can not explain /出於無法解釋的原因

Once you know there was never, never an honest word /壹旦進入便無誠實可言

That was when I ruled the world /那就是我主宰世界的歲月

It was the wicked and wild wind /是詭異的壹陣狂風

Blew down the doors to let me in. /吹開了扇扇大門讓我走進

Shattered windows and the sound of drums /粉碎的窗欞 戰鼓的轟鳴

People could not believe what I'd become /無人相信我會成為這樣

Revolutionaries Wait /革命者在等待

For my head on a silver plate /我走上銀刃鋒利的斷頭臺

Just a puppet on a lonely string /而我不過是孤弦上的傀儡

Oh who would ever want to be king? /誰會願意
