--The sight of the ships prompted thoughts of his distant home. 看到船使他想起遙遠的家鄉。
1) prompt sb. to do sth. 引起/促使某人去做某事
--What prompted him to be so generous? 是什麽原因使得他如此大方呢?
2)prompt sb. doing sth. 引起某人正做某事
--the revelation of severe side effcts of Atkins diet prompted a host of people using this regimen to increase their carbohydrate. 基層人員(英國士兵)飲食嚴重副作用的意外的發現(啟示)引起許多人不間斷地用這種增加他們的碳水化合物的養生法(不間斷地用這種養生法增加他們的碳水化合物)。
have sb. do sth. 讓某人去做某事
have sb. doing sth. 聽任某人不停地做某事
order sb. to do sth. 命令某人去做某事
order sb. doing sth. 命令某人不停地做某事