1、When we climbed to the top of the mountain, we were very excited by the?scene.當我們爬到山頂時,我們為眼前的景象感到非常興奮。
2、This is the?scene?of the crime. No one is allowed to enter.這裏是犯案現場,任何人不得隨意進入。
3、There are bloody?scenes in the movie, which are not suitable for minors to watch.電影裏有血腥場面,不適合未成年人觀看。
5、And now the scene shifts to the warehouse, where the murderer is lying in wait.現在場景轉到倉庫,行兇者正埋伏在那裏伺機行動。
6、The first scene of the play is the king's palace.劇中的第壹個場景是王宮.
7、Another man stands in for the big star in the dangerous scenes.拍攝危險的場景時,這位大明星有個替身.
8、Why I have to remember that scene?為什麽我會記住那個場景?
9、They were only on scene for an hour.他們只是在現場呆了壹個小時。