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Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine's Day


1. 如同每壹個平常的日子,我在這個情人節裏所擁有的東西,就是對妳的愛。

On this Valentine’s Day, just like every day, all I have is love for you.?

2. 如果妳將在情人節的那天出去吃飯而非在家,這裏有壹些關於怎樣吃出健康的建議。

If you’re going to dine out instead of at home this Valentines day, here’s how to dine out healthily.?

3. 至少在情人節和結婚周年裏,妳只要買壹張卡片給壹個人(在絕大多數州如此)。

At least with Valentine’s Day and your anniversary you only have to buy a card for one person (in most states).?

4. 慶祝妳自己的愛情是妳應得的——這就是情人節的意義所在。

You deserve to celebrate your love - that’s what Valentines day is all about.?

5. 1415年,奧爾良公爵查爾斯將第壹張真正的情人節卡片送給了他的妻子。

The first true Valentine card was sent in 1415 by Charles, duke of Orleans, to his wife.?

6. 經歷多年的積澱,有壹些亙古不變的因素能使情人節對那些可愛的女士而言變成特別的日子。

Over the course of years there have been some constant factors to making Valentine's Day special for those lovely ladies out there.?

7. 情人節禮物是什麽呢?玫瑰和巧克力?

What about the valentine? Rose and chocolate

8. 這裏有好多選擇給妳,事實上世界各地的人們都在尋找讓自己的情人節過得終生難忘的好點子。

There are plenty of choices for you.In fact, lovers from all over the world look for Valentine's ideas to make this day unforgettable.?

9. ——我寄出有女孩子照片的情人節賀卡,以代替試圖在十二月寄出的賀卡。

I send out Valentine’s cards with the girls’ photo, instead of trying to mail cards in December.?

10. 情人節這天有很多方法讓自己因做好事而自我感覺良好的事情。

There are plenty of ways to do good and feel good this Valentine’s Day.