愛情的,情愛的;不切實際的,空想的;(文學、藝術和音樂)浪漫主義的(Romantic)。n. 浪漫的人;愛幻想的人,空想者;浪漫主義作家(或音樂家、藝術家)(Romantic)。
1、Isabella, now eighteen, falls madly in love with Heathcliff, seeing him as a romantic hero.十八歲的伊莎貝拉把希斯·克裏夫當成了壹個傳奇式的英雄,瘋狂的愛上了他。
2、Lewis was a romantic in many ways as well as a gifted satirist and realist.劉易斯是壹個浪漫的在許多方面,以及資優諷刺作家和現實主義者。
3、It is a romantic comedy which was very successful with the famous actor John Gielgud acting in it.這是壹個浪漫喜劇,由於著名演員約翰·吉爾·吉德在劇中的表演因而非常成功。
4、To them it offers a romantic appeal, usually symbolized by some dashing and charismatic figure.對他們來說,這種策略具有浪漫的吸引力,通常以某位魅力非凡且令人振奮的人物為其象征。
5、The purple blue aspic, often is cannot separate with the romantic love.紫藍的薰衣草,往往與浪漫的愛情是分不開的。