古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - 臺風的英文是?





[氣] 臺風







A tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans.


Probably alteration of Chinese (Cantonese) toi fung

可能為 漢語(廣東話) toi fung的變化

Mandarin tái [great]

普通話 tái [巨大的]

Mandarin f?g [wind]

普通話 f?g [風]

Perhaps few words better illustrate the polyglot background of English than typhoon, with its Chinese, Arabic, East Indian, and Greek background. The Greek word typhon, both the name of the father of the winds and a common noun meaning “whirlwind, typhoon,” was borrowed into Arabic (as was many a Greek word during the Middle Ages, when Arabic learning both preserved the classical heritage and expanded upon it, passing it on to Europe). ٿf?n,} the Arabic version of the Greek word, passed into languages spoken in India, where Arabic-speaking Moslem invaders had settled in the 11th century. Thus the descendant of the Arabic word, passing into English (first recorded in 1588) through an Indian language and appearing in English in forms such as touffon and tufan, originally referred specifically to a severe storm in India. China, another great empire, gave us yet another word for a storm, in this case the hurricane that occurred in the waters around China. This Chinese word in its Cantonese form, toi fung, was similar to our Arabic borrowing and is first recorded in English guise as tuffoon in 1699. The various forms coalesced and finally became typhoon.

也許很少有單詞能像typhoon 壹樣表明漢語、阿拉伯語、東印度語和希臘語的多國語言背景。 希臘單詞typhon 既是風神的姓名又是意為“旋風,臺風”的普通名詞, 被借入到阿拉伯語(就象在中世紀時許多希臘語單詞進入阿拉伯語壹樣,那時,阿拉伯人的學問保存了古典的風格,同時在把它傳向歐洲時又有所擴充)。Tufan ,希臘語的阿拉伯語形式, 傳入到了印度人使用的語言,11世紀時講阿拉伯語的穆斯林入侵者在印度定居下來。這樣,阿拉伯語單詞的衍生,從印度語言進入英語(最早記載於1588年),並以如touffon 和 tufan 的形式出現於英語中, 最先特指印度的猛烈風暴。中國,另壹個大帝國,給了我們風暴的另壹個單詞,這裏指的是在中國附近洋面發生的颶風。漢語單詞的廣東語形式toi fung 同我們的阿拉伯語借用詞相近, 最早以tuffoon 的形式於1699年載入英語。 各種形式合並在壹起最後變成了typhoon