古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - 商務英語專用詞匯:關於險種與險別


下面是我整理的 商務英語 專用詞匯,歡迎大家閱讀!

 1. insurance for medical care 醫療 保險

 2. sickness insurance  疾病保險

 3. insurance during a period of illness 疾病保險

 4. health insurance 疾病保險,健康保險

 5. "major medical" insurance policy巨額醫藥費保險

 6. life insurance人壽保險

 7. endowment insurance養老保險

 8. insurance of contents  家庭財產保險

 9. social insurance  社會保險

 10. personal property insurance個人財產保險

 11. insurance on last survivor長壽保險

 12. risk of clashing  碰損險

 13. With Particular Average (W.P.A.)  水漬險

 14. All Risks 壹切險

 15. risk of breakage破碎險

 16. Free from Particular Average(F.P.A.)  平安險

 17. risk of rust  生銹險

 18. risk of hook damage  鉤損險

 19. risk of contamination (tainting)汙染險

 20. risk of normal loss (natural loss)  途耗或自然損耗險

 21. risk of deterioration變質險

 22. risk of packing breakage  包裝破裂險

 23. risk of inherent vice  內在缺陷險

 24. insurance against total loss only (TLO)全損險

 25. risk of spontaneous combustion自然險

 26. risk of contingent import duty進口關稅險

 27. insurance against war risk戰爭險

 28. risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TPND)盜竊提貨不著險

 29. overland Transportation Insurance War Risk  陸上運輸戰爭險

 30. insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罷工,暴動,民變險

 31. insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks  附加險

 32. Air Transportation Cargo War Risk  航空運輸戰爭險

 33. risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting)淡水雨淋險

 34. risk of leakage  滲漏險

 35. risk of shortage in weight/quantity短量險

 36. on deck risk  艙面險

 37. risk of bad odour(change of flavour) 惡味險,變味險

 38. risk of mould發黴險

 39. risk of sweating and/or heating受潮受熱險