古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - 技術和技巧這兩個詞用最準確的英文該怎麽翻?


技術和技巧:techniques/technology and skill

技術和裝備:technology and equipment


1. technique

2. technology

3. skill

Relative explainations:

<technica> <technic> <technism> <tech> <art.> <engineering> <skimming> <Minerva> <technics> <skill craft> <science> <craftsmanship>


1. 工人們試圖將現代技術用於這項傳統工業。

The workers are trying to apply modern techniques to this traditional craft.

2. 這項技術正處於實驗階段。

The technique is still at the experimental stage.

3. 政府認為引進新技術至關重要。

The government saw the introduction of new technology as vital.

4. 信息技術的發展是二十世紀工業技術上的最大進步。

The development of the information technology is the greatest technological advance of the 20th century.

5. 大工業只是隨著技術發展而逐漸開始存在的。

Large scale industry emerged only gradually as technology evolved.

6. 我想駕駛滑翔機壹定需要些技術。

I guess it must require some skills to fly a glider.

7. 那位技師技術很好。

That technician is highly skilled.

8. 這家公司的主要問題是缺少有技術的人員。

The company's main problem is the shortage of skilled personnel.


1. skill

2. technique

Relative explainations:

<mechanism> <mechanics> <workmanship> <technica> <sleight> <acrobatic gymnastics> <management> <artifice> <handicraft> <craftsmanship> <showmanship> <mastery> <artistry> <technic> <technics> <wrinkle>


1. 他的談判技巧使他贏得了精明戰略家的名聲。

His skill in negotiating earned him a reputation as a shrewd tactician.

2. 老師告訴我們使用言辭的技巧。

The teacher teaches us the verbal skills.

3. 他的聰明和技巧使我們贊嘆不已。

His cleverness and skill compel our admiration.

4. 在許多體育運動中,體能沒有技巧重要。

In many sports physical fitness is not as important as technique.

5. 他的經營技巧和她的設計才能相輔相成。

His business skill complements her flair for design.

6. 在這壹測驗中妳與專家較量壹下技巧吧。

Match your skill against the experts in this quiz.

7. 她在工作中表現出高度的技巧.

She shows a high degree of skill in her work.

8. 詞書編纂者必須精於給詞語下定義的技巧.

Dictionary writers must be skilled in the art of definition.

One who uses skill and tact in dealing with others.


A movement or procedure involving skill and dexterity.


characterizing or showing skill in or specialized knowledge of applied arts and sciences.


Tact and skill in dealing with people.


not characteristic of or skilled in applied arts and sciences.


showing inventiveness and skill.


art and technique of printing with movable type.
