古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - 醫院標識翻譯


劃價登記處 row the registration point of prices

汙物處理處the filth dealing with and getting along with ,

急診外科the surgery of emergency call ,

急診內科 department of internal medicine of the emergency call ,

主任辦公室director’s office

醫師辦公室doctor’s office ,

護士辦公室nurses’ office

洗胃室 the room of gastric lavage ,

小手術室 small operating room,

治療室 therapeutic room

監護室 guardianship room ,

搶救室 rescue room

值班急診電鈴 electric bell of emergency call on duty

病房化驗室 ward laboratory ,

血庫 blood bank

血液室 hematology lab ,

洗滌室 wash room

生化室 biochemical room ,

免疫室immunity room

愛滋病初篩實驗室 ?

流行病實驗室the laboratory of epidemic disease

門診化驗室the laboratory of outpatient service

值班室 guards’ room ,

抽血室 room of blood drawing

中醫壹診室 a consultation of Chinese medicine

中醫專家門診 the expert outpatient service of traditional Chinese medicine ,

內科專家門診the expert outpatient service of internal medicine ,

專家門診 expert outpatient service,

骨科專科 specialized department of dept.of orthopedics

外科門診 surgery

皮膚科專家門診the expert outpatient service of dermatological department medical

性病專科 specialized department of the venereal disease ,

皮膚性病專科 the skin academy of venereal disease ,

性病專科the academy of venereal disease

心血管專家門診the pipe expert outpatient service of painstaking effort

內科專家門診the expert outpatient service of internal medicine ,

老年病專家門診aged ill expert outpatient service ,

外壹科門診 outside a department outpatient service

換藥室 dressing room

庫房warehouse ,

婦產科專家門診 the expert outpatient service of gynaecology and obstetrics

婦科診室gynecology clinic

治療室 treatment room

母乳餵奍咨詢 the breast milk feeding and consulting

婦產科手術室the operating room of gynaecology and obstetrics ,

內三科門診 3 department outpatient services ,

外二科門診 2 outside department outpatient services ,

腸道門診 the outpatient service of enteron aisle

幹部保健內科診室 the cadre clinic of health protection of internal medicine ,

中醫內科專家門診 the expert outpatient service of traditional Chinese medicine of internal medicine ,

肝病骨質增生專科liver ill bone hyperplasia academy

內二科門診2 department outpatient services ,

內科診室 the clinic of internal medicine ,

內壹科門診 a department outpatient service ,

內分泌疾病門診 endocrine disease outpatient service ,

心腦腎疾病門診Heart brain kidney disease outpatient service

經絡導平室 ?

兒科專家門診 paediatrics expert outpatient service

兒診二室 the child examines room 2

病理室 pathology room

門診辦公室the office of outpatient service

美容手術室cosmetic operating room

心電圖 electrocardiogram

腦電流圖室 brain current picture room


腹部B超室 belly department B super room

兒童智能測定 child intelligent mensuration

康復運動訓練室 recover in the training room of sports

中西醫專家門診the medical expert outpatient service of Chinese and Western

兒科專家門診paediatrics expert outpatient service

胃鏡室 astroscope room

動態心電圖室development electrocardiogram room

腸鏡室intestines mirror room ,

彩超室 cai exceed room

功能科辦公室function department office

護理部 nursing department

護理示教室 nursing shows classroom

眼科門診ophthalmology outpatient service

眼科專家門診 ophthalmology expert outpatient service

驗光室optometry room

五官科專家門診 facial features department expert outpatient service

五官科壹診室 facial features department a clinic

醫務部 medical department

傳染病管理科the management department of infectious disease

醫療質量監控部 medical quality monitoring department

康復治療室recover to treat room

理療二室 2 physiotherapy rooms

功能鍛練室function exercises room

眼科A-B超室 ophthalmology A-B super room

微波治療室 microwave treatment room

測聽室 measure to hear room

眼科暗室ophthalmology darkroom

五官科治療室 subject therapeutic room of facial features

激光室laser room

纖維喉鏡室 fibre laryngoscope room

推拿室 massage room 針炙室 acupuncture room

理療室 physiotherapy room

普法辦 ?

計劃生育辦公室 the office of family planning

副院長室 associate director room

團委辦公室 office of Youth League committee

院長室 director room

副書記室 associate secretary room

健康教育室healthy educational room

院辦主任室 courtyard office director room

院行政辦公室 administration office of the institute

文印打字室writing Indian typing room ?

檔案室 files room

黨委辦公室 the office of party committee

財務部 financial department

人事監察部 ministry of Supervision of the personnel

工會辦公室 office of trade union

工會副主席辦公室 vice-president’s office of trade union

工會主席辦公室 president’s office of trade union

紅十字辦公室 the Office of Red Cross