Agreement and contract協議與合同
agency agreement 代理協議
agreement on general terms and conditions on business 壹般經營交易條件的協議
agreement on loan facilities up to a given amount商定借款協議
agreement fixing price***同定價協議
agreement on import licensing procedure 進口許可證手續協議
agreement on reinsurance 分保協議
agreement to resell 轉售協議
bilateral agreement 雙邊協議
bilateral trade agreement 雙邊貿易協議
mercial agreement 商業協定
pensation trade agreement 補償貿易協議
distributorship agreement 銷售協議
exclusive distributorship agreement 獨家銷售協議
guarantee agreement 擔保協議
international trade agreement 國際貿易協議
joint venture agreement 合營協議
licensing agreement 許可證協議 ?
loan agreement 貸款協議
management agreement 經營管理協議
multilateral trade agreement 多邊貿易協議
operating agreement 經營協議
partnership agreement 合夥契約
supply agreement 供貨合同
trade agreement 貿易協議
written contract 書面協議
ad referendum contract 暫定合同
agency contract 代理合同
barter contract 易貨合同
binding contract 有約束力合 ?
blank form contact 空白合同
mercial contract 商業合同
pensation trade contact 補償貿易合同
cross licence contract 互換許可證合同
exclusive licence contract 獨家許可證合同
Ex contract 由於合同
Export contract 出口合同
Firm sale contact 確定的銷售合同
Formal contract 正式合同
Forward contract 期貨合同
Illegal contract 非法合同
Import contract 進口合同
Indirect contract 間接合同
Installment contract 分期合同
International trade contract 國際貿易合同