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"Vertical Limit" is a mostly entertaining adventure-thriller that gets the job done with plenty of thrills and excitement. Chris O'Donnell stars as Peter Garrett, a professional photographer for National Geographic who we see in the opening scene climbing one of those tall mesas in Utah with his sister Annie (Robin Tunney), their father (Stuart Wilson), and two other climbers. A tragic occurrence befalls them. Fast forward to three years later, when Annie plans on taking a rich Texas tycoon (Bill Paxton) up K2, the second tallest mountain in the world. Things don't go according to plan. A storm gets in their way, and they end up falling into a cave. Through morse code, Peter finds out his sister and a few others are still alive. He then gathers a team of climbers to help him go up the mountain and rescue the people trapped in the cave. "Vertical Limit" reminded me somewhat of Sylvester Stallone's excellent 1993 action movie "Cliffhanger" with its beautiful scenery and mountain climbing. It's not as good as the Stallone picture, but "Vertical Limit" is very well done. Director Martin Campbell, who directed the very good 1995 James Bond thriller "Goldeneye", does an terrific job with directing action scenes that keep you on the edge of your seat (I know I was). The cinematography is gorgeous, and the stuntwork outstanding. Portions of the story is the only weak link in "Vertical Limit". There were some parts in the story that were kind of ridiculous, but it's only a minor problem. The performances are good though. It's nice to see Chris O'Donnell in a good movie again. He hasn't made a good film in five years since "Batman Forever", and he's very good here in "Vertical Limit" as the one who does everything he can to save his sister from the jaws of death on the mountain. Other good performances are turned in by Tunney as the sister; Scott Glenn (looking bizarre) as a long-haired Zen climber; and Izabella Scorupco (who played the good Bond girl in Campbell's "Goldeneye") as a French-Canadian climbing nurse. Only Paxton (who's usually good in most of the films he's starred in) comes off negative. He's not all that convincing as the heartless tycoon. Aside from that and some of the story, "Vertical Limit" is a very good adventure movie that definitely had me on the edge of my seat. As far as action-adventure movies go, this is the best one out right now.