古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - 放棄的英文abandon


"Abandon"是壹個常用的英語單詞,讀音為 /b?nd?n/,其中的"a"發音為短音,讀音類似於“uh", "ban"發音為"b?n", "don"發音為"d?n"。這個單詞在語境中有多種用法和固定搭配,下面將就此進行介紹:


1. vt. 離開,放棄;拋棄;遺棄

例句:He abandoned his wife and children.(他拋棄了他的妻子和孩子。)

2. vt. 與...斷絕關系,放棄

例句:He abandoned his old job.(他放棄了他的舊工作。)

3. vt. 自暴自棄,墮落

例句:The man abandoned himself to alcoholism.(這個人沈溺於酗酒之中。)

4. n. 放縱,放任自流,放任

例句:The young man showed complete abandon.(這個年輕人表現出了完全的放縱。)


1. abandon oneself to sb./sth.(沈溺於某人/某事物)

例句:She abandoned herself to her sorrow.(她沈溺於悲痛之中。)

2. abandon ship (悉數撤離)

例句:The captain ordered the crew to abandon ship.(船長命令船員全部撤離。)

3. abandon hope (不抱希望)

例句:He abandoned hope of finding his lost dog.(他不抱希望再找到他丟失的狗。)

4. abandon oneself (放任自己)

例句:He abandoned himself to drinking and gambling.(他放任自己沈溺於飲酒和賭博。)

5. abandon all thought of (放棄對...的希望)

例句:She abandoned all thought of escaping from the enemy.(她放棄了逃離敵人的念頭。)