May 1st International Labor Day originated from the strike of workers in Chicago, USA. On May 1, 1886, more than 216,000 workers in Chicago held a general strike to fight for an eight-hour work system.?
5月1日國際勞動節起源於美國芝加哥的工人罷工。 1886年5月1日,芝加哥超過216,000名工人舉行總罷工,爭取8小時的工作制度。
After a hard bloody struggle, they finally won. To commemorate this great workers' movement, in July 1889, the Second International announced that May 1st of each year would be designated as International Labor Day. This decision was immediately and positively responded to by workers from all over the world.
經過艱苦的血腥鬥爭,他們終於贏了。 為了紀念這個偉大的工人運動,第二國際於1889年7月宣布,每年的5月1日將被指定為國際勞動節。 這壹決定立即得到了來自世界各地的工作人員的積極響應。
On May 1, 1890, the working class in Europe and the United States took the lead in the streets, holding grand demonstrations and gatherings to fight for legitimate rights and interests.?
Since then, on this day, the working people of all countries in the world have to gather and march to celebrate.
Whether it is a network e-commerce or an offline store, large-scale promotions will be held to stimulate consumption.
2. On the May 1st Labor Day, many people choose to travel.
3. During the May Day period, greetings between friends and relatives reminded to pay attention to rest, work and rest.
4. Square, the problem center will also have a variety of festivals to celebrate the performance, there will also be a team of workers to compete in talent competitions.