Dream, avers, countless people in compiling the dream of frustrations.At night, when the dark dream of fire happens, bring people farther and nearly hope suddenly.It floats in the imagination and expect, is the people heart longing.夢想,從古至今,無數的人們在酸甜苦辣中編制著夢想。在黑夜,夢想是時暗時明的火光,帶給人們忽遠忽近的希望。它漂浮在想象和期待之中,是人們心中孜孜不倦地追求。
In reality, under the impact of dreams just peace of mind, make life more than a light.Established in persistent dream forever, sweat, and tears, overlooking efforts over the past: the great Madame Curie to benefit human, hard struggle for life, and finally produced a pure radium.Her life though because long-term accept radioactive substances stimulation and gone, but she dreamers never stop footstep.She used her dream, write down the eternal life.在現實的沖擊之下,夢想只是心靈的安慰,使漫漫人生路多了壹份光明。夢想永遠建立在執著、汗水、努力與淚水之上,遙望過去:偉大的居裏夫人造福於人類,艱苦、辛酸地奮鬥了壹生,終於提煉出了純凈的鐳。她的生命雖然因為長期接受放射性物質的刺激而消逝了,可她追逐夢想腳步卻永遠不會停下來。她用她的夢想,書寫下了生命的永恒。
But we, because many obstacles and stopped because of laziness, or heart and give up the dream.Don't flashy longing dream will come true, also don't immersed in a busy and noisy.Choose the right way, so you must go, no matter how long the road ahead, regardless of whether, as long as have danger "and a" belief, came to the joy of dreams, is far away from you will also?而我們呢,是因為無數的阻礙而停下了步伐,還是因為懶惰的內心而放棄了夢想。不要憧憬華而不實的夢想會實現,也不要沈浸在繁華和喧囂當中。選擇好了這樣壹條路,就必須要走下去,不管路有多長,不管前方是不是危險重重,只要心中有“再往前壹點點就到了”的信念,難道,夢想實現的喜悅還會遠離妳嗎?
The dream is flower seeds, the eagle's dream is ready to fly. "Li-an old hero, costraint", even a nag are able to support the weak body dream.So, whether we should be more young take advantage of this wonderful time chasing the dream trace?種子的夢想是開花結果,雄鷹的夢想是展翅飛翔。“老驥伏櫪,誌在千裏”,連壹匹老馬都能以夢想來支撐衰弱的身軀。那麽,年輕的我們是不是更應該趁著大好年華追逐夢想的蹤跡?
Dream, it is like the butterfly wings, with beautiful we capture it, But it is more like a fragrance pubi fragrance, we find it, temptation to catch a refreshing "to".Also no wonder that someone will give up the pursuit of dreams, because "the real dream too is".Don't dream really so hard to reach?No, because those who are too greed, will put the dream with high places, all day but never considered himself ever reach the dream.When it is discovered, he is already dispirited and discouraged, no interest in exploring the dream again.夢想,它像是翩翩的蝴蝶,以絢麗的翅膀吸引我們捕捉它;可它更像壹縷芬芳,以撲鼻的香味誘惑我們尋找它,到頭來去只捕到壹次的“沁人心脾”。也難怪會有人放棄了追求夢想的權利,因為“真正的夢想太可望而不可及”了。難道夢想真的這麽難以接觸嗎?不是,是因為那些人太過於有貪欲,將夢想放在了與天齊高的地方,卻從未考慮過自己有沒有達到夢想的能力。等到發現這壹點是,他早已是心灰意冷,沒有了再壹次探尋夢想的興趣。
Dream really so far?In fact, it might be far ahead, are you looking forward to your hand, eagerly.Or, it in the corner, prepare crossroads in unexpected jumped out when you scare you jump, give you a surprise.It may be illusory dreams, perhaps is immensely.The life forever, because dream and flash.夢想真的這麽遙遠嗎?其實,它也許就在前方不遠處,正想妳招手,翹首盼望妳的到來。或者,它在十字路口的轉角處,準備在妳猝不及防的時候蹦出來嚇妳壹跳,給妳壹個驚喜。它也許是虛幻的夢境,也許是壹時的高興。生命永遠因為夢想而閃光,而耀眼。
In the streets to see the girl singing a song, sweet singing on stage, this should now, but in the eyes of silent singing.Oh, don't disturb her, don't think she is poor, you know, she is in order to realize her dream and playing well.In the persistent efforts, sweat, and tears filled with turn your heart, your dreams will release its true light!在大街上看到壹個賣唱的女孩,甜美的歌聲本應該在舞臺上唱起,現在卻在施舍的目光中默默歌唱。哦,不要打擾她,也不要覺得她很可憐,知道嗎,她是為了實現她的夢想而打好鋪墊。在執著、汗水、努力與淚水輪流充斥妳的內心之後,妳的夢想就會釋放屬於它的真正的光芒!
My Dream我的夢想
Every one has his/her own dream.Some people dream to write great composition in English,I also have my own dream,not just a great English composition.Some of my friends' dream is to be a scientist,so that he could do a great effort to development of our society.Some friends of mine dream to be a millinare so that they could buy a lot of thing that they like.Some one dreams to be a super star so that he could get lots of fans...I have my own dream,which is very simple.My dream is that I will get enough free time and enough money so that I can travel all around the world and do a lot of favour to my friends and make my parents a happy and comfortable life.You see,this is my dream.每個人都有夢想,有人的夢想是能寫出優秀的英語作文,我也有我的夢想,不僅僅是寫出出色的英語作文。有人的夢想成為科學家,可以為社會的發展,人類的幸福發明出各種先進的設備;也有的人夢想成為百萬富翁,可以買各種喜歡的東西;有的人則夢想成為明星,可以讓萬人崇拜;有的人的夢想則是成為高官貴人,可以光宗耀祖。。。我的夢想很簡單,我希望自己能夠成為壹個生活寬裕的人,有足夠的時間和足夠的錢,可以到世界各地去遊歷,可以讓朋友有所依靠,可以讓父母幸福安樂,可以讓身邊的人開心自在,這,就是我的夢想。