Sing and dance (Kid Castle)
Lily : Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, It’s our honor to host this Christmas party tonight. Thank you for your coming.
所有主持人: welcome (鼓掌)
Wendy:聖誕的鐘聲即將敲響,在此之際我謹代表步步高城堡英語學校的全體師生家長們,祝大家聖誕快樂,新年快樂! (鼓掌)
Lily: May I ask you a question? do you like Christmas Day.
Leo: Yes, I do. How about you ?
Lily: I like too.Jacky, could you tell me how you spend Christmas Day?
Jacky: I usually spend with my parents , we make a good dinner.
Li& L: more or less. (差不多)
L: But I guess this Christmas will be my most unforgetable one.
L: OK, I think lovely kids can’t wait to show themselves now.
Li: Yeah, Let’s get to the point. Everybody , Let’s do some warm up.
L: Listen to me carefully.(clap your hands, stomp your feet, raise your hands, move your body, shake your hips)認真聽
Li: Wow, after warm-up, I feel so excited. Now, next let's welcome the lovely kids bring us the Christmas’songs and self- introductions
Li and J: welcome. Next wennie and Tiffiny please get ready.
掌聲有請,接下來請Wennie 和Tiffiny 做好準備。
J: It's a wonderful performance. Big hands! Lily, can you dance Latin?
Li: Sorry, I can't. But I know our friends Wennie and Tiffiny can dance well.
哦,很抱歉我不會。但是我知道我們的朋友Wennie 和 Tiffiny 跳得很棒。
J: Really? That’s great! I can’t wait to see their performance.
Li: why not?為什麽不呢?
J: let’s welcome. Next J1A and J1B please get ready. 掌聲歡迎。並請J1A 和 J1B的學生做好準備。
3.(J1A and J1B phonics)
L: Wow, how a wonderful dancing! I really enjoy myself in it!
J:Yeap! I believe the castle kids will bring us more surprises to us next.
L: Bingo. Next let's welcome the students from J1A and J1B bring a to z phonics to us.完全正確!下面讓我們有請J1A 和 J1B的學生給我們帶來A到Z的語音秀。
J: Welcome. Next Lucy please get ready掌聲有請.並請Lucy做好準備。
4.(舞蹈-小掌櫃 Lucy )
Li: big hands for Lucy’s fantastic performance. 再次掌聲感謝Hey的精彩表演. Next please appreciate dancing by Lucy. Welcome! And next Hey please get ready! 為他們的精彩表演再次掌聲鼓勵!接下來請欣賞由Lucy帶來的獨舞小掌櫃。掌聲有請!
5.(小提琴 Hey)
Simmon: wonderful performance, isn't it ?很贊的表演對不對?
Kavin: yes, big hands for them again。(鼓掌) Jacky, do you know what’s the next performance?當然,再次給他們的表演掌聲鼓勵。Jacky,妳知道接下來是什麽節目嗎?
Simmon: of course I know! (做出拉小提琴的.動作) guess what am I doing?
Kavin: oh, I know, playing violin, right? 哦,我知道了,妳在拉小提琴對嗎?
Simmon: Yes, you are right. So next Let’s welcome Hey bring us the violin show.是的,回答正確。所以接下來讓我們掌聲有請Hey為我們帶來小提琴表演.並請Ruby,Anna和 Bella做好準備。
Kavin: Welcome. Rechard and Tina please get ready.
J:Big hands. Next Ruby,Anna, and Bella---jingle bells will bring us the show. Welcome.
接下來讓我們掌聲有請Ruby,Anna, and Bella為我們帶來這首歌曲—鈴兒響叮當。
6.(鈴兒響叮當jingle bells song Ruby,Anna, and Bella)
J: big hands for Hey’s fantastic performance. 再次掌聲感謝Hey的精彩表演。
L: Jacky, can you sing the Christmas song, for example, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Jacky,妳會唱聖誕節歌曲嗎?比如jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way(唱出來)
J: Sorry, I can't. But I have invited three beautiful girls to sing jingle bells for us.哦哦,我不會,但是我已經邀請了三個可愛的女生為我們帶來聖誕歌曲—鈴兒響叮當。
L: Wow, that’s a good news. Next please J3C”s students get ready. 哇,真是個好消息, 請J3C的同學們做好準備。
7.English Chant J3C
J: wow, they did a good job. Big hands.Next Augus ,Hey and their friends get ready.哇,太棒了。掌聲。接下來,請Augus ,Hey和他們的小夥伴們做好準備。
8.(童謠 five foggy frogs 表演者 J1E班三男生、Augus and Hey)
Hey:Fay,Look!five funny frogs are jumping to us! (五只青蛙正跳上臺上),what are they going to do?
Fay: I have no idea, so Let’s see together!我不知道,讓我們壹起拭目以待吧。
Next, little red riding hood,please get ready. 接下來請《小紅帽》的表演者們做準備。
Li: wow, I find that our caslte kids are gifted in many ways.
J: I agree with you. By the way, Lily, have you hear the story of Little Red Riding Hood before?我贊同妳的說法!Lily,隨便問壹下妳有聽過小紅帽的故事嗎?
Li: of course I heard that before. It’s a very famous story in our country.
J: Yes, next let’s welcome J1A‘s students bring us the play--- Little Red Riding Hood.是的,接下來讓我們掌聲有請J1A的學生給我們帶來英語舞臺劇—小紅帽。
Li: Welcome.And J1E and J1D’s students please get ready.掌聲有請。並請J1E and J1D班的學生做好準備。
10.(J1E and J1D A-Z例詞)
J: the Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were so lucky! The story ends with a happy ending.小紅帽和她的奶奶多幸運啊!故事有壹個完美的結尾。
L: Yes, and our wonderful peformances are going on. Next let’s welcome J1E and J1D’s students bring us their performance to us.是的,但是我們的精彩還在繼續。接下來用妳們最熱烈的掌聲有請J1E 和 J1D的學生帶來的字母秀。
J: big hands。And Hey and their friends from Guanjie, pelase get ready掌聲有請。請Lucy 做好準備。
11.(跆拳道taekwondo 表演者 Augus ,Hey and their friends from Guanjie)
Li: Thank you for Lucy’s wonderful dance. Big hands for her(鼓掌)
L: Lily,do you know our Chinese kongfu?(中國功夫)
Li: Yes, I know a little. And one of my favorite kongfu called taekwondo .
L: really? You are so lucky today. Next, let’s welcome Augus, Hey and their friends from Guanjie bring their taekwondo to us)
真的嗎?那妳今天走運了!接下來讓我們掌聲有請Augus, Hey和他們來之冠傑的朋友為我們帶來的節目—跆拳道。
Li: big hands. Next please J1A get ready!掌聲有請。並請J1A班的學生做好準備。
12. Hocky Pocky
Li: Wow, they are so cool,and their performance are so wonderful.
L: Yes, I like it very much. Next let’s welcome J1A’s students bring us Hocky Pocky.
是的,我非常喜歡他們的節目。接下來讓我們有請J1A的學生為我們帶來的Hocky Pocky Li: welcome. and Tiffiny, get ready. 掌聲有請 。Tiffiny 做準備。
Li: Big hands for their great show again. 為他們精彩的表現鼓掌。
Leo: yes, it’s wonderful.Next let’s welcome Tiffiny’s dance “Little Basket-on-Back”
And Linda and Wennie get ready.
是的,很精彩。 下面請Tiffiny 為我們帶來壹段舞蹈。請Linda,Wennie 做好準備。
Lucy: wow, Nice show. Hurray! 哇, 表演得太棒了,壹起歡呼(舉起手中的熒光棒) Jacky : Yeah, next Linda and Wennie will bring us a nice music . 是的,接下來,Linda 和Wennie將為我們帶來壹首好聽的歌曲。
Lucy&Jacky: Welcome. 有請!
Leo:Lily,what’s the next program? Lily,知道接下來我們的節目嗎?
Lily: Let me see, Oh, it’s time for graduation. Now, it's my hornor to announce that all the J1A , J3C, and J1B’s students you are graduated. Congradulations to you. 讓我瞧瞧,哦,該是我們的畢業慶典了。現在,我很榮幸地在此宣布J1A , J3C 和J1B的學生們,妳們畢業拉!
L: Now let’s welcome them(學生名字)come to the stage to get your certificates and take a photo together.現在讓我們來請?學生到臺上來領取證書。
Li: Now, Please applaud for our headmaster Wendy to come to the stage to issue the certificates.同時,讓我們用最熱烈的掌聲請出城堡教育的wendy 校長上臺為學員們頒發證書。
If you are happy(大家壹起唱)
The end
16.If you’re happy( 全體上臺)
Eva: If you’re happy, please clap your hands.
If you’re happy , please stomp your feet.
Let’s sing and dance with the song “If you’re happy.”
Eva: Today, we have a good time together. We are moved by each others’
enthusiasm and happiness.
“Before the ending. Let’s send our best wishes to all of you. Please do remember us, your sincere friends, Castle Education . Join us. Show your talent and English level. You are the star of Castle Education. Let’s get moving.” At last, let me say: Merry Christmas and Happy new year to you. Bye bye.
W:今天,我們在壹起***同度過了壹個快樂的時光,我們感受到彼此的熱情與歡樂。” 在活動即將結束之即,讓我們把最美好的祝福送給所有的朋友們。請記住我們,城堡教育,我最真摯的朋友們。加入我們,在這盡情地展示您的才能和英語水平。妳們是城堡教育的明星。讓我們壹起前行。最後祝大家聖誕快樂,新年快樂。再見!