1、 We don't walk on the grass. 不踩踏草坪
2、 We don't pick flowers. 不隨意摘花
3、We don't destroy our tables and chairs. 不毀壞公物
4、We can't fight in the school. 不打架
5、We can't throw things in the school. 不亂丟垃圾
6、談吐文明Talk civilization
7、不大聲喧嘩Not talking loudly
8、We should keep the classrooms clean and tidy every day. 保持教室衛生
9、We should respect each other. 尊重他人
10、No smoking at school. 不得在校園內吸煙。
11、We can't run in the school aisles. 不在走廊裏跑動
Be friendly with each other, despise him whoever talks dirty or uses violence.
Your behavior is education, under all the supervision, students are welcomed to report any misconduct of teacher.