古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - 2分鐘英語小短文(簡單易學的)


Smile(微笑) Dear classmates,my topic is "smile".In this world,people easily lose temper.They often quarrel with one another over trivial matters.But the fast is that many times,things can be settled easily if they are a little more tolerant and a smile is sometimes the best way.親愛的,同學們:我今天演講的題目是"微笑".在這個世界上,很多人特別容易發脾氣,他們常常會為了雞毛蒜皮的事大吵壹架.但是大多時候,只要妳寬容壹些,壹個微笑就可以使這些事情過去. I remember when i was a child my family went for an outing by car.When we were driving on the way,a red car in front of us suddenly stopped.We had to stop all of a sudden as well.This blocked the cars behind us as well.All the horns began to scream to show their anger.I quickly stepped out to say sorry to the one just behind me.But before i could say anything,i heard the driver was saying something very unpleasant.This made me angry-it was not we who caused all this!However,i controlled myself and smiled to her.The driver was surprised at first and then she smiled back.Then the car before us started to move,and we started to go too.Imagine what would happen if i spoke ill words when i saw her angry face?It might take hours before we started to move again,and a happy weekend would end up with angry and revenge.記得小的時侯,我們壹家開車出去玩.在路上,前面有壹輛紅色的車突然停下來了,我們也不得不突然停下來,於是我們後面的車也不得不急剎車.壹時笛聲四起.我趕緊下車,本來想向後面的司機道歉,但看見她正非常生氣地說著什麽.這使我也很生氣-這壹切並不是我們引起的呀.但我控制住自己,對她笑了.她很驚訝,沒再說什麽,並且也沖我笑了笑.後來,前面的車開走了,我們也順利的離開了.可以想象,如果我當時和她對罵起來會是什麽情況.我們可能幾個小時也走不了,壹個快樂的周末就會以憤恨和報復告終. In this way,a smile settles a lot of troubles.This is very good,isn't it?就是這樣,壹個微笑解決了問題,這樣不是很好嗎? I like the saying:"if you smile to the world,the world will smile back to you."A smile world is nice to live in,isn't it?我很喜歡這樣壹句話:妳向世界微笑時,世界也在對妳微笑.生活在壹個充滿歡笑的世界不是很幸福嗎?