古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - weekend的意思




同義詞有vacation、holiday、take a break等。星期六和星期日;周末Saturday and Sunday,星期六和星期日(或略長壹點的)休息時間Saturday and Sunday, or a slightly longer period, as a holiday,冰心《咱們的五個孩子》:“最小的弟弟同義,也送進附近的東廳幼兒園,周末才回來。”



1、He said he had something important to do this weekend.(他說他這個周末有重要的事情要做。)

2、Sometimes I could be working all day, every evening, all weekend, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it.(有時我們需要整天工作,每天晚上,所有的周末都要工作,如果我不喜歡也不會這樣做。)

3、Melissa and I will have two classes each weekend. She told me that count in me, she has found three language partners. Good for her.(梅麗莎和我每周末上兩節課。她說,算上我,她現在找到三個語伴了。這真是太好了。)

4、Karl Rove, who last week announced that he is quitting as George Bush's chief adviser, was all over the political talk shows last weekend.(上周請辭布什總統首席顧問的卡爾?羅夫在周末參加了各大政論節目的討論。)

5、That very same weekend I rented a truck, brought two friends to help me, and was out of the apartment before the sun set on Sunday.(就在那個周末,我租了輛卡車,叫上兩個朋友來幫忙,在周日趕在太陽下山之前搬出了那個家。)

6、The excavation team revealed over the weekend that it had found a crypt after a two-week search at an abandoned convent in Florence.(挖掘隊伍上周末公布,經過近半月的搜尋,他們發現了葬在廢棄的佛羅倫薩修道院內這具骸骨。)