It is our home in the solar system. 這是我們在太陽系的家。
There is no other place for us to live. 我們沒有別的地方住了。
Earth isn’t just any planet. 地球不僅僅是壹個行星。
It’s a very special place. 它這是壹個非常特別的地方。
It’s special because we depend on it for many things. 它很特別,因為我們依賴它做很多事情。
Because of its importance, we need to take care of it. 因為它的重要性,我們需要照顧它。
We depend on the Earth for its air, its water and many of its natural resources. 我們依靠地球獲取空氣、水和許多自然資源。
Natural resources, such as coal and oil, give us energy. 煤炭和石油等自然資源為我們提供能源。
Other natural resources we depend on include forests and soil. 我們賴以生存的其他自然資源包括森林和土壤。
Forests provide clean air and wood for building houses. 森林提供清潔的空氣和建造房屋所需的木材。
Soil is needed to grow plants and keep them healthy. 種植植物和保持它們健康需要土壤。
We need to take care of these resources and not waste them.我們需要照顧好這些資源,不要浪費它們。
The Earth is a large, rotating sphere, about 4.5 billion
years old. 地球是壹個巨大的旋轉球體,大約有45億年的歷史。
The equator, which divides the Earth into two hemispheres, is about 40,000 kilometers long. 把地球分成兩個半球的赤道長約40000公裏。
The Earth's diameter is 12,756 kilometers. 地球的直徑是12756公裏。
Its radius is half that, or 6,378 kilometers. 它的半徑是它的壹半,或者說6378千米。
The radius is the distance from the Earth’s center to its surface. 半徑是地心到地表的距離。
Most of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. 大部分的地球表面被水覆蓋著。
The rest of the Earth’s surface is land. 地球表面的其余部分是陸地。
Just above the Earth's surface is the atmosphere. 就在地球表面之上是大氣層。
The atmosphere is a layer of gases about 500 kilometers thick. 大氣層是壹層厚約500公裏的氣體。
These gases include Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide. 這些氣體包括氧氣、氮氣和二氧化碳。
This mixture of gases is the air that we breathe. 這種混合氣體就是我們呼吸的空氣。
As we move above the Earth’s surface, the air gets thinner.當我們在地球表面上方移動時,空氣變稀薄了。
At high altitudes, the air is too thin to breathe. 在高海拔地區,空氣太稀薄,無法呼吸。
At the edge of the atmosphere is space. 大氣層的邊緣是太空。
There is no air at all in space. 太空中根本沒有空氣。
Most of the Earth’s water is in the oceans. 地球上大部分的水都在海洋裏。
The two largest oceans are the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.兩個最大的海洋是太平洋和大西洋。
Unfortunately, we can’t drink ocean water. 不幸的是,我們不能喝海水。
This is because ocean water has too much salt. 這是因為海水含鹽量過高。
Fortunately, there is also water in lakes and rivers. 幸運的是,湖泊和河流中也有水。
This water isn’t salty, so we can drink it. 這水不鹹,所以我們可以喝。
Only about 2% of the world’s water is fresh water. 世界上只有大約2%的水是淡水。
Without fresh drinking water, we can’t live. 沒有新鮮的飲用水,我們就不能生存。
A person can’t live for more than a few days without water.沒有水壹個人活不了幾天。
Rivers are important. 河流是很重要的。
Most rivers begin in mountains and end in the oceans. 大多數河流起於山脈,止於海洋。
The water flows from high ground to low ground. 水從高地流向低地。
At first, rivers are small and are called creeks orstreams. 起初,河流很小,被稱為小溪或溪流。
As water enters from other streams, a river grows. 當水從其他溪流流入時,河流就生長了。
Some rivers become very large and long. 有些河流變得又大又長。
The longest river in the world is the Nile River, in Africa. 世界上最長的河流是非洲的尼羅河。
It’s almost 6,500 kilometers long. 差不多有6500公裏長。
As for water volume, the Amazon is the largest river. 就水量而言,亞馬遜河是最大的河流。
The volume of water flowing through it per second is more than in any other river. 每秒流經它的水量比任何其他河流都要大。
Another use of rivers is for energy. 河流的另壹個用途是能源。
The energy of falling water is used to produce electricity.落水的能量被用來發電。
This use of water supplies over 20% of the world’s electricity. 這種用水供應了世界20%以上的電力。
Rivers are also important for agriculture. 河流對農業也很重要。
Without water, farmers cannot grow food. 沒有水,農民就不能種植糧食。
And of course rivers can be used for transportation. 當然,河流也可以用來運輸。
River boats are used to carry things to inland cities or lakes. 內河船用來把東西運到內陸城市或湖泊。
This man goes running 5 days a week if the weather is good.如果天氣好的話,這個人壹周跑5天。
On the weekends he runs 10 kilometers unless the weather is bad.除非天氣不好,否則周末他會跑10公裏。
This woman really enjoys reading, especially works of fiction. 這個女人真的很喜歡讀書,尤其是小說。
She has read hundreds of books. 她讀過幾百本書。
This young couple enjoys watching old movies such as Titanic. 這對年輕夫婦喜歡看《泰坦尼克號》這樣的老電影。
They both cried when it sank and many people went down with the ship. 當船沈沒,許多人隨船沈沒時,他們都哭了。
These young boys enjoy playing sports on the weekend. 些年輕的男孩喜歡在周末做運動。
Sometimes they play basketball and sometimes they play football.他們有時打籃球,有時踢足球。
This young man eats too many sweets, so he is overweight. 這個年輕人吃太多甜食,所以他超重了。
He needs to eat fewer sweets and exercise more.他需要少吃甜食,多運動。
Here are 6 of the Earth's 7 continents: 以下是地球7大洲中的6個:
Asia is the largest continent both in land and in population. 亞洲是陸地和人口最大的州。
Asia covers 30% of the Earth's land area.亞洲占地球陸地面積的30%。
Africa is the second largest continent. 非洲是第二大洲。
Of all the continents, Africa has the youngest population.在所有大陸中,非洲擁有最年輕的人口。
Europe is to the west of Asia and is the second smallest continent. 歐洲在亞洲以西,是世界上第二小的大陸。
Europe is to the birthplace of classical music and some of the world's greatest art and literature.歐洲是古典音樂和壹些世界上最偉大的藝術和文學的誕生地。
North and South America are bordered on the west by the
Pacific Ocean and on the east by the Atlantic Ocean. 北美和南美西部與太平洋接壤,東部與大西洋接壤。
The first human beings to live in the Americas came from
Asia more than 15,000 years ago. 1萬5千多年前,第壹批生活在美洲的人類來自亞洲。
Australia is the world's smallest continent. 澳大利亞是世界上最小的大陸。
Australia is surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans.澳大利亞被印度洋和太平洋所環繞。
A: Hey! Look at that. 嘿!看那個。
B: Look at what? 看什麽?
A: Look out the window. 看看窗外。
Do you see the young lady in the red dress? 妳看見那個穿紅衣服的年輕女士了嗎?
B: Yeah, I see her. 是的,我看到她了。
Wow! she’s beautiful and hot.哇!她既漂亮又性感。
A: Look at the way she walks. 看她走路的樣子。
B: Yes, now look behind her. 是的,現在看看她身後。
Look in the car that’s following her.看看跟著她的那輛車。
A: I’d rather look at the young lady. 我寧願看著這位年輕的女士。
A: So what’s so special about the car? 那這輛車有什麽特別之處?
B: Look at the driver. 看看司機。Do you see one? 妳看到了嗎?
A: No, I don’t. 我沒有。There isn’t anybody driving the car.沒有人開車。
B: Right, it's one of those new driverless cars. 對,是那種新型無人駕駛汽車。
A: Maybe it’s the woman’s car. 也許是那個女人的車。
It’s following her.它跟著她呢。
B: I don’t know. Maybe you’re right. 我不知道。也許妳是對的。
A: Now, that’s a smart car. 現在,那是壹輛聰明的車。Maybe I’ll go outside and follow her too.也許我也會出去跟著她。
B: Hey, get back to work! 嘿,回去工作吧!
W: Thank you for calling our Customer Support. 感謝您致電我們的客戶支持。
Please listen to the following menu to help us direct yourcall.請聽下面的菜單,幫助我們指引您的通話方向。
Please say or press #1 to pay your bill. 請說或按1付賬。Please say or press 2 to upgrade your service plan.請說或按2升級您的服務計劃。
Please say or press #3 to report a technical problem. 請說出或按#3報告技術問題。
Please say or press #4 if you want to hear these choices again.如果您想再次聽到這些選擇,請說或按#4。
M: I don’t want any of these choices. 我不想要這些選擇中的任何壹個。
W: You may also go to our website for help. 您也可以訪問我們的網站尋求幫助。
M: I went to your website but it didn’t help. 我去了妳的網站,但沒有幫助。
I want to speak to a human being. 我想和壹個人說話。
W: Your business is very important to us. 您的業務對我們非常重要。
W:?Please say or press 5 or hang up to end this call. 請說或按5或掛斷以結束此通話。
M:None of these! 這些都不是!I want a human being. 我想要壹個人。
I want to cancel my service.我想取消我的服務。
W: Please wait while we connect you to a service representative. 請稍候,我們正在為您接通服務代表。
M: Finally, is this what they call customer service? 總算…這就是他們所說的客戶服務?
W: To assist our representative, please say your first and last name. 為了協助我們的代表,請說出您的名字和姓氏。
M: Tom Smith. 湯姆·史密斯。
W: We heard Tom, Smith. 我們聽到湯姆,史密斯。
If this is correct, say or press #1. 如果正確,說出或按1。
If this is not correct, say or press #2. 如果不正確,說出或按#2。
M: #1. W: Thank you. 非常感謝。
For security purposes, what was your father’s middle name? 為了安全起見,妳父親的中間名是什麽?
M: He didn’t have a middle name. 他沒有中間名。W: Thank you. 非常感謝。
A customer service representative will be with you shortly.客戶服務代表很快就會來。
W: I’m sorry but our offices are closed. 對不起,我們的辦公室關門了。
Please call back during business hours.請在營業時間再打來。
Our business offices are open, Monday to Friday, from 8 am until 6 pm. 我們的辦公室星期壹到星期五從早上8點到下午6點都是開放的。
Thank you for calling. 感謝您的來電。