聖誕快樂的英文字是Merry Christmas或Happy Christmas 或Merry X'mas或Joyeux Noel。例句如下:
1、All I wanted was to be able to say 'Merry Christmas' or to acknowledge no holidays, " she said Tuesday. " 我只想對別人說聲聖誕快樂,而不是承認什麽節假日。
2、Laura and I wish every American family the blessings of this season, happy holidays, and a merry Christmas. 我和勞拉祝願所有的美國家庭節日好運、假期愉快、聖誕快樂。
3、It was one of the last days before Christmas, and the assistants in the large store had their hands full serving eager Christmas shoppers. 聖誕快樂那是聖誕前的壹天,在壹所大商店裏,售貨員都忙著為那些渴望購物的顧客服務。
4、Happy Christmas to you and a year thats happy, too! 願妳聖誕快樂,新年同樣歡樂!
Christmas原是“基督彌撒 Christmass”的縮寫,傳說12月25日是耶穌的生日,在這壹天,世界各地的天主教會都要舉行彌撒紀念耶穌的生日。現在,12月25日就相當於中國的大年初壹,人們在聖誕節期間互相祝福,期盼歡樂的新年來臨。
1、Eat, drink and be merry. 吃好喝好。
2、Cancel someone's Christmas.狠狠教訓某人。
3、Like turkeys voting for (an early) Christmas. 字面意思“就像火雞支持過聖誕節”,指某個舉動或決定是無望地自我拆臺。