古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - TPO 31 聽力Lecture第1篇 第1題What is the main topic of the lecture?為什麽答案是D?

TPO 31 聽力Lecture第1篇 第1題What is the main topic of the lecture?為什麽答案是D?

根據原文 Well, today I want to start talking about western music and I am going to start in ancient Greece …. Instead, we are going to talk about what the Greeks believed about music. 教授壹開始就說:“今天要從古希臘的音樂談起,討論希臘人對音樂的看法。”後面的內容也是圍繞希臘人對音樂的看法展開的。所以 D 選項正確。