古詩詞大全網 - 成語故事 - 在英語作文中 如果想說:接下來是我想說的。我這麽翻譯可以嗎?following are the t

在英語作文中 如果想說:接下來是我想說的。我這麽翻譯可以嗎?following are the t

the followings 是錯誤的用法。 樓下不懂不要亂說。

following作代詞時單復數同體,The following are/is 都可以,取決於後面的表語是單數還是復數。

詞典解釋:(the following) [TREATED AS SINGULAR OR PLURAL] What follows or comes next: 'the following are both grammatically correct sentences'

as follows 和 the following 是正確的用法。

The following are the tips that I would like to mention.

The tips that I would like to mention are as follows.

The tips that I would like to mention are the following.