古詩詞大全網 - 個性簽名 - we will rock you (中文意思是什麽)

we will rock you (中文意思是什麽)

we will rock you我們將震撼妳 歌手:queen 皇後樂隊 buddy you are a boy make a big noise playin in the street gonna be a big man someday you got mud on yoface you big disgrace kickin your can all over the place singin we will we will rock you we will we will rock you buddy you are a young man hard man shoutin in the street gonna take on the world someday you got blood on yoface you big disgrace wavin your banner all over the place we will we will rock you we will we will rock you buddy you are an old man poor man pleadin with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day you got mud on your face you big digrace somebody gonna put you back in your place we will we will rock you we will we will rock you 計,妳是個只會大聲嚷嚷的孩子 在街頭鬼混,希望有壹天能成為大人物 妳搞得灰頭土臉 狼狽至極 把鐵罐到處踢來踢去 唱吧........ 我們要讓妳搖滾起來 我們要讓妳又搖又滾 老兄,妳是個年輕人,壹條硬漢 在街頭叫囂,總有壹天要接管這個世界 妳臉上流著鮮血 顏面盡失 到處揮舞著旗幟 我們要讓妳搖滾 唱吧........ 我們要讓妳又搖又滾 老兄,妳老了,窮光蛋壹個 眼裏祈求著寬恕,總有壹天可以使妳得到平靜 妳搞得灰頭土臉 狼狽至極 最好有人能把妳趕回老家去 我們要讓妳搖滾 唱吧........ 我們要讓妳又搖又滾 大家壹起唱 我們要讓妳搖滾 我們要讓妳又搖又滾 好極了........