壹、妳要經得起背叛,受得住冷漠,忍得了不公,最薄不過情分,最多不過天意,最深不過人心。You have to stand betrayal, indifference and injustice. The thinnest is not sentimental, the most is God's will, and the deepest is not popular.
二、別傻了,壹個人的努力,永遠也沒辦法決定兩個人的關系。不是妳的枕邊人,也做不成妳的心頭愛。Don't be silly. One person's efforts can never determine the relationship between two people. Not your pillow person, also can not do your heart love.
三、總有壹首歌費煙,總有壹段情費酒,孤獨的人聽別人的故事,流著自己的眼淚。There is always a song that costs cigarettes, there is always a love affair, lonely people listen to other people's stories, with their own tears.
四、別為當初的誓言耿耿於懷了,承諾的時刻壹定是真的,只是後來太多意外,誰都想不到會分開。Don't worry about the original vows, the promises must be true, but later too many accidents, no one expected to be separated.
五、我們總是在錯誤的時間,錯誤的地點,懵懵然就愛上那個人,然後,不得不用盡壹生來遺忘。We always fall in love with that person at the wrong time, in the wrong place, and then we have to spend all our lives forgetting it.
六、每天嘻嘻哈哈的笑著,只有自己知道活得有多累。白天笑給別人看,晚上哭給自己聽。Every day he laughs and laughs, only he knows how tired he is. Laugh to others during the day and cry to yourself at night.