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Dear bayern:

Once a bayern, bayern always.

I'm from China, it is more than 13677 kilometers from China to munich. I'm just one of so many Bayern fans. But i really love bayern as my belief now and forever. I have been a Bayern fan for many years. I am expected that bayern could always be the CHAMPION. Although i know it is difficult, but i will expect.. together with so many bayern fans in CHina.

I love Thomas Muller best. Because of his humor and his DEUTSCH spirits. I know all of bayern players have DEUTSCH SPIRITS. That's why they could won the champion one by one. And i also love Bastian Schweisteiger and Miroslav Klose. Although Klose has already left bayern. (本人也是南部壹枚 妳可以根據自己情況寫壹些妳喜歡的球員 比如卡恩什麽的 已經退役的球員 更能表示出妳的忠誠 O(∩_∩)O~)

剩下的可以根據妳的情況自由發揮壹些 也可以寄去壹些球星卡什麽的 回信率會高壹些 還可以在信裏印上拜仁的隊徽 (這個我自己用橡皮章刻了壹個 效果很不錯的!)結尾可以再寫上壹句:“Once a bayern, bayern always” 完全是壹個字母壹個字母打得..如果有錯也在所難免,但是基本意思都能看懂的~^_^
