古詩詞大全網 - 個性簽名 - 中譯英 急求!!!

中譯英 急求!!!

26. 在太陽底下看書對眼睛有害。(harm n.)

It will do harm to your eyes if you read in the sun.

27. Tom 和Jerry總是相處不好,就像水火不相容。(mix)

Tom and Jerry don't get along all the time, just like water doesn't mix with fire.

28. 因為比賽中兩名隊員受傷,我們的球隊被打敗了。(beat)

Our team was beaten because two of our team members were injured in the match.

29. 設計師發現袖子有點問題,決定去掉原來的花邊(laces)。(remove)

The designer found something wrong with the sleeves, and decided to remove the original laces.

30. 寫這個報告花了我好幾個小時,可是老板還是不甚滿意。(It)

It took me several hours to write the report, but the boss was still not quite satisfied.

