這是壹句英文諺語,翻譯為:因為太高,鳥飛不上去,因為太低,鳥飛不下去。鳥被困在中間,雷電正在令鳥疼痛。 寓意:困擾妳的問題無法回避,痛苦中,進退維谷。
這也是邁克爾傑克遜專輯《thriller》中的第壹首歌Wanna Be Startin Somethin中的壹句歌詞。歌詞如下:
Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' 想要挑動事端
I said you wanna be startin' somethin' 我說過妳是在想要挑動事端
You got to be startin' somethin' 妳壹定會挑動事端
I said you wanna be startin' somethin' 我說過妳是在想要挑動事端
You got to be startin' somethin' 妳壹定會挑動事端
It's too high to get over 事態已變得
Too low to get under 進退兩難
You're stuck in the middle 而妳卻被卡在中間
And the pain is thunder 痛苦猶如雷鳴壹般
It's too high to get over 事態已變得
Too low to get under 進退兩難
You're stuck in the middle 而妳卻被卡在了中間
And the pain is thunder 痛苦猶如雷鳴壹般
I took my baby to the doctor 我帶著我的寶貝看醫生,
With a fever, but nothing he found 除了有點發燒,但別無他恙
By the time this hit the street & 但與此同時,這傳遍大街小巷
They said she had a breakdown 他們都傳言說她身心崩潰
Someone's always tryin' to start my baby cryin' 某人總想讓我的寶貝哭泣
Talkin',squealin',lyin' 議論、爭吵、撒謊
Sayin' you just wanna be startin'somethin' 說明妳正在挑動事端
I said you wanna be startin' somethin' 我說過妳是在想要挑動事端
You got to be startin' somethin' 妳壹定會挑動事端
I said you wanna be startin' somethin' 我說過妳是在想要挑動事端
You got to be startin' somethin' 妳壹定會挑動事端
It's too high to get over 事態已變得
Too low to get under 進退兩難
You're stuck in the middle 而妳卻被卡在中間
And the pain is thunder 痛苦猶如雷鳴壹般
It's too high to get over 事態已變得
Too low to get under 進退兩難
You're stuck in the middle 而妳卻被卡在了中間
And the pain is thunder 痛苦猶如雷鳴壹般
You love to pretend that you're good 妳喜歡裝成好人
When you're always up to no good 但妳根本不算
You really can't make him hate her 妳真的沒法令他恨她
So your tongue became a razor 於是妳變得牙尖嘴利
Someone's always tryin' to keep my baby cryin' 某人總想讓我的寶貝壹直哭泣
Treacherous,cunnin',declinin' 背叛、欺騙、墮落
You got my baby cryin' 是妳讓我的寶貝哭泣
I said you wanna be startin' somethin' 我說過妳是在挑動事端
You got to be startin' somethin' 妳壹定會挑動事端
I said you wanna be startin' somethin' 我說妳是在挑動事端
You got to be startin'somethin' 妳壹定會挑動事端
It's too high to get over 事態已變的
Too low to get under 進退兩難
You'er stuck in the middle 而妳卻被卡在了中間
And the pain is thunder 痛苦猶如雷鳴壹般
It's too high to get over 事態已變得
Too low to get under 進退兩難
You're stuck in the middle 而妳卻被卡在了中間
And the pain is thunder 痛苦猶如雷鳴壹般
you're a vegetable you're a vegetable 妳只是壹碟小菜
Still they hate you,you're a vegetable 他們壹直都討厭妳,妳只是壹碟小菜
You're just a buffet, you're a vegetable 妳只是壹份快餐,妳只是壹碟小菜
They eat off of you,you're a vegetable 他們恨不得吃掉妳,妳只是壹碟小菜
Billie Jean is always talkin' 比利·金總愛嚼舌根
When nobody else is talkin' 沒人比她更愛嚼舌根
Tellin' lies and rubbin' shoulders 極愛撒謊又愛鬼混
So they called her mouth a motor 以至別人都把她的嘴稱做“馬達"
Someone's always tryin' to start my baby cryin' 某人總想讓我的寶貝哭泣
Talkin',squealin',spyin' 議論、爭吵、窺探
Sayin'you just wanna be startin' somethin' 說明妳正在挑動事端
I said you wanna be startin' somethin' 我說過妳是在想要挑動事端
You got to be startin' somethin' 妳壹定會挑動事端
I said you wanna be startin' somethin' 我說過妳是在想要挑動事端
You got to be startin' somethin' 妳壹定會挑動事端
It's too high to get over 事態已變得
Too low to get under 進退兩難
You're stuck in the middle 而妳卻被卡在中間
And the pain is thunder 痛苦猶如雷鳴壹般
It's too high to get over 事態已變得
Too low to get under 進退兩難
You're stuck in the middle 而妳卻被卡在了中間
And the pain is thunder 痛苦猶如雷鳴壹般
you're a vegetable you're a vegetable 妳只是壹碟小菜
Still they hate you,you're a vegetable 他們壹直都討厭妳,妳只是壹碟小菜
You're just a buffet, you're a vegetable 妳只是壹份快餐,妳只是壹碟小菜
They eat off of you,you're a vegetable 他們恨不得吃掉妳,妳只是壹碟小菜
If you can't feed your baby 如果妳養不起妳的孩子
Then don't have a baby & 那麽就不要生孩子
And don't think maybe 別去考慮任何的可能性
If you can't feed your baby 如果妳養不起妳的孩子
You'll be always tryin' 妳就應當盡量
To stop that child from cryin' 不要讓孩子哭泣
Hustlin',stealin',lyin' 賣淫、偷竊、撒謊
Now baby's slowly dyin' 正使得孩子慢慢死去
I said you wanna be startin' somethin' 我說過妳是在想要挑動事端
You got to be startin' somethin' 妳壹定會挑動事端
I said you wanna be startin' somethin' 我說過妳是在想要挑動事端
You got to be startin' somethin' 妳壹定會挑動事端
It's too high to get over 事態已變得
Too low to get under 進退兩難
You're stuck in the middle 而妳卻被卡在中間
And the pain is thunder 痛苦猶如雷鳴壹般
It's too high to get over 事態已變得
Too low to get under 進退兩難
You're stuck in the middle 而妳卻被卡在了中間
And the pain is thunder 痛苦猶如雷鳴壹般
Lift your head up high 高高擡起妳的頭
And scream out to the world 對著世界呼喚:
I know I am someone “我知道自己正是妳們所說的‘某人’
And let the truth unfurl 我要讓事實公布於眾”
No one can hurt you now 沒有人會傷害妳
Because you know what's true 因為妳知道什麽才是真理
Yes, I believe in me 是的,我相信我自己
So you believe in you 那麽妳也要相信妳自己
Help me sing it, 跟我壹起來唱這首歌吧!
ma ma se,ma ma sa.............