古詩詞大全網 - 個性簽名 - 求助英語翻譯


In the stage of process to the SPA it's not my policy to send directly to the buyer UNLESS MISTAKE do it by the arranger especially in the procedures example ONE CASE ARRANGER i has mentioned the PARTLY POP must 14 to 30 Banking Days but THEY CHANGE to 14 to 25 BANKING DAYS AFTER ACCEPTANCE .

在SPA(購銷合同?)的流程中我不負責直接向買家發貨;除非中介誤將其發給買家了,特別是,舉個例子來說,我曾經提到的壹次性中介人參予的情況下。Partly POP(這裏的POP不知道是什麽意思,Partly或許可以理解成為部分吧。)必須在14到30天的銀行工作日內;但是他們將(驗收後)的14個銀行工作日改為了25個工作日(驗收後)。

I think ,it's no point your inform me because I am not find the buyer for M100 .


However after SWIFT acceptance and documentation cannot send to the arranger and please understand because the arranger its not make payment to Seller and Seller also not submit CLAIM to the arranger .

The commission in the IMFPA and I will instruct to my bank to pay base on THE IMFPA Hard Copy sign not by EDT .


My banker will not sign the IMFPA because the Banker Will pay base on my instruction .My commitment when i endorse first on the IMFPA by EDT .EDT signature/seal to show every body their commitment to pay and others parties as receiver .


My bank will not pay the commission base on the EDT but base on Hard COPY Notary and must understand .

我的銀行將依據公證書的硬拷貝(復印件)支付傭金,不會根據EDT,最後壹句must understand缺少主語,不知是指銀行必須理解還是您必需理解,這裏實在幫不到妳了,

