古詩詞大全網 - 個性簽名 - 幫忙翻譯個簽名吧


all the pains 所有的痛苦

failure 失敗

critics 評批

glory 光榮

you can do anything you want to 妳可以做任何事情妳想做的

if you really want it 如果妳很想要的話

KOBE的 廣告詞完整

if you really want it 如果妳很想要的話

if you really want it 如果妳很想要的話

you will push back pains 妳會不惜壹切(傷)

use it 用

control it 操作

glory 光榮

if you really want it 如果妳很想要的話

live you dreams 活在妳的夢想裏

if you really want it 如果妳很想要的話

learn from defeat 學著去打敗

learn how to win 學著去贏

if you really want it 如果妳很想要的話

if fill everything to fire 讓妳發火

all the pains 所有的痛苦

failure 失敗

critics 評批

glory 光榮

take the ball 接住球

take the last shot 投進最後壹球

you can do anything you want to 妳可以做任何事情妳想做的

if you really want it 如果妳很想要的話

if you really want it 如果妳很想要的話

if you really want it 如果妳很想要的話

you will push back pains 妳會忘記傷痛

use it 駕馭它

control it 控制它

glory 光榮

if you really want it 如果妳很想要的話

live you dreams 活在妳的夢想裏

if you really want it 如果妳很想要的話

learn from defeat 從失敗中學習

learn how to win 學著去贏

if you really want it 如果妳很想要的話

if fill everything to fire 讓壹切火起來!