古詩詞大全網 - 個性簽名 - 難過的英文簽名帶翻譯


1、I acted like it was not a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart.我裝作壹切都無所謂,雖然我已心力交瘁。

2、sea is the upside donw Sky. 海是倒過來的天。

3、I know the people I really care about a few.我知道 真正在乎我的沒幾個.

4、You said, I do not want you, you must not marry, let my life-long guilt.妳說,哪天我不要妳了,妳壹定終身不嫁,讓我內疚。

5、I think-I think too muchpain past is pleasure.過去的痛苦就是快樂

6、He lost heart, the ruthless gave me.他丟了心,把無情給了我。

7、Sorry, you are not in my mind.對不起,妳不在我心裏。

8、The sky is blue, white clouds very white, under the sun we were happy.天空很藍,白雲很白,在陽光下的我們很快樂。

9、my love to you makes me heart broken 妳讓我愛妳愛的好痛苦

10、My love once a life,a time cost whole life.我的愛壹生壹次,壹次壹生。

11、愛情這種東西,生不帶來,死不帶去的。Love this stuff, living not bring, bring death.

12、Even next second we did not meet, on one second we will meet.即使下壹秒我們沒有相遇,上壹秒我們也會相見。

13、You jump,I jump. 生死相隨

14、Bad language than lie clean one thousand times 臟話比謊話幹凈壹千倍

15、I wanna be with you.我想要和妳在壹起

16、When I was a child, was buried the most true most sweet smile.小時候,埋葬了最真最甜的微笑。

17、Do not base your happiness off someone else.不要把妳的幸福寄托在其他人身上。

18、Do not let yesterday too much of today.不要讓太多昨天占據妳的今天。

19、The sun also rises.太陽照常升起。

20、╰You are in my life the most warm moved.╰妳是我生命中最溫暖的感動。

21、Relax. Breathe in deep. Hold it. Let it out.別緊張。深呼吸。堅持住。扛過去。

22、Cause I can feel you in me 因為我可以感覺到妳在我心裏

23、Then that be together, in the flow of unease, time is well.就那樣相守,在來往的流年裏,歲月安好。

24、Life without a friend is wasted.沒有友誼的滋潤灌溉,生命只是壹種浪費。

25、色色,妳就是我心中的那個Mr.right 。我的?只屬於Mr.right壹個人 ! .*★*. .*★ *.* ★ ★,LOVEXO!

26、Just do not give up, Russia are then buchibuqi.只要不放棄,俄們便不離不棄。

27、Find me. Love me. Marry me.找到我,愛我,娶我.

28、Sometimes, instead of multicore, as less jin.有時候 , 與其多心,不如少根筋。

29、Mistake is temporary regret but missing is the forever one.過錯是暫時的遺憾,而錯過則是永遠的遺憾。

30、最後說我愛妳 是我所能做的唯壹 Finally say I love you, yes I can do only

31、Even if the other win others, our attitude is victory.哪怕別的贏不了人家,我們心態好就是完勝。

32、The youth, the scenery along the way again also is just a paper elegance.青春,沿途再美的風景也只不過是壹紙風華。

33、Betray me, I will let you have nothing .出賣我,我將讓妳壹無所有

34、Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.從沒犯過錯誤的人,妳別指望他有任何創造。

35、Live every day as the last day of life.把活著的每壹天看作生命的最後壹天。

36、Respect from others come from self-respect.別人的尊重來自於自重。

37、Destroy the torture you.毀掉那些折磨妳的東西

38、Love you love a good pain 愛妳愛的好痛