古詩詞大全網 - 個性簽名 - 各位啊,幫幫忙!我要給丹尼爾{哈利波特}寫信,好心人幫忙幫我翻譯壹下謝謝!


Dear Daniel:

Mr. Daniel, it's the first time i write to you with excited.I don't know whether you can get my letter or not.I'm Harry Potter's faithful reader.The films are excellent,especially the 7th one.It's wonderful and intense.Above all,you know,it's really brilliant,i love it so much!

I love your three people group,,Harry, Hermione,and Ron.You are solidarity,although sometimes have a little fire to wipe. In the sixth part, when Dumbledore died, I cried and was deeply touched.And I want to know, the reality of Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton),is he same as Malfoy in the movie?

Would you please tell me your usual living habits and some of Harry Potter's secrets? Thank you.

From the Chinese readers, i'm looking forward to your reply

Wang SiyangIn

November 30, 2011