手機裏壹***136首歌,有106首是她的。在這300多天裏,無限的循環播放,漸漸的可以跟著哼唱。And,that makes me happy.
應該是從《Blank Space》那首歌開始的,配上那個略顯華麗的MV,那樣的玩世不恭、歇斯底裏,但又滿是真誠。最終化成-but I got a blank space baby, and I'll write your name.
然後就這樣開始了《I Knew You Were Trouble》、《22》、《You Belong With Me》、《Shake it Out》、《Ours》…配上他們的MV,就形成了我2016年很長的壹段時光。
Taylor絕對是個意外。我在想,可能是因為她的年輕、活力,還有真誠,就這樣唱到了人的心裏。可能有些人並不喜歡她,但那就和我無關了。在Vogue對Taylor的73道快問快答的采訪中看到那位記者問Taylor:what do you think when you Google yourself ?Taylor答道:I think I should never Google myself again. 在1989悉尼演唱會《Clean》這首歌開始演唱前,黴黴也說了壹段話: ?
you know these days there are millions of ways for people to tell you.
how to be, how to act in public. what's cool, what's not. what's beautiful, what's not.
and it's really easy to become completely preoccupied by the idea of trying to be cool.
you know what I think is better than being cool? it's being happy.
you know when somebody criticize you or say something behind your back.
these words they say about you, is like you feel those words are written all over your face, all over you.
and then, those words start to become the echo of your own mind.
and then, there is a real risk those words could become a part of how you see yourself.
the moment you realize who doesn't know you or care about you.
that moment when you realize that it's like you are clean.
只是有壹點很矛盾,我無法在她的歌中選出哪首是我的最愛。 在不同的時期,每壹首歌都是我的最愛。
《never grow up》中那樣平和的嗓音唱到:so here I am in new apartment big city they just dropping you off. so much colder ? than i thought it would be, so i tuck myself in turn my light on…wish i never grown up妳仿佛看到自己孤身壹人離家在外拼搏,到處都是那麽冰冷,只能懷念著過去來取暖。希望永遠都不要長大,這是每壹個已經長大的人的心聲。
《you are in love》這平淡的,甚至沒有玫瑰的浪漫,就這樣婉婉道來,像是耳邊的呢喃,卻讓人有想要戀愛的沖動。那樣的甜蜜,one look dark room, meant just for you…
《tear drops on my guitar》就好像真的是流著淚,彈著吉他在唱著心中暗戀的人永遠都不會知道的歌。so I drive home alone, as i turn off the light, i put his picture down or maybe get some sleep tonight…是否也是暗戀中的我們呢?
《22》最具活力的年齡,和自己最愛的朋友壹起,妳好像能跟著她的歌壹個,不自覺的跳舞。I don't know about you, but i'm feeling 22, everything will be alright if you just keep dancing like we're 22…就讓我們永遠活在這壹年。
Tear drops on my guitar and you belong with me. Then, you are in love. But I knew you were trouble so I have a blank space. And one day these begin again.