參考: episte.math.ntu.edu/articles/mm/mm_18_3_01/page2#02_SECTION0002
============================================= Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (also Leibnitz or von Leibniz)[1] (July 1 (June 21 Old Style) 1646 – November 14
1716) was a German polymath who wrote mostly in Latin and French. Educated in law and philosophy
and serving as factotum to o major German noble houses (one being the British royal family while he served it)
Leibniz played a major role in the European politics and diplomacy of his day. He occupies an equally large place in both the history of philosophy and the history of mathematics. He invented calculus independently of Newton
and his notation is the one in general use since. He also invented the binary system
foundation of virtually all modern puter architectures. In philosophy
he is most remembered for optimi ***
his conclusion that our universe is
in a restricted sense
the best possible one God could have made. He was
along with René Descartes and Baruch Spinoza
one of the three great 17th century rationalists
but his philosophy also both looks back to the Scholastic tradition and anticipates modern logic and *** ysis. Leibniz also made major contributions to physics and technology
and anticipated notions that surfaced much later in biology
probability theory
and information science. He also wrote on politics
and philology
even occasional verse. His contributions to this vast array of subjects are scattered in journals and in tens of thousands of letters and unpublished manuscripts. To date
there is no plete edition of Leibniz's writings
and a plete account of his acplishments is not yet possible. en. *** /wiki/Leibniz ============================================= 戈特弗裏德·威廉·萊布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,1646年—1716年),德國哲學家、數學家。涉及的領域及法學、力學、光學、語言學等40多個範疇,被譽為十七世紀的亞裏士多德。和牛頓先後發明了微積分。有人認為,萊布尼茨最大的貢獻不是發明微積分,而是微積分中使用的數學符號,因為牛頓使用的符號被普遍認為比萊布尼茨的差。萊布尼茨是歷史上少見的通才,他的專長包括數學、歷史、語言、生物、地質、機械、物理、法律、外交等領域。他本人是壹名律師,經常往返於各大城鎮,他許多的公式都是在顛簸的馬車上完成的。 生平 1646年7月1日萊布尼茨出生於德國萊比錫,祖父三代人均曾在薩克森 *** 供職,父親是Friedrich Leibnütz ,母親是Catherina Schmuck。長大後,萊布尼茨名字的拼法才改成"Leibniz",但是壹般人習慣寫成"Leibnitz"。晚年時期,他的簽名通常寫成"von Leibniz"。死後,他的作品才公諸於世,作者名稱通常是"Freiherr [Baron] G. W. von Leibniz." 。但沒有人確定他是否有貴族的名堂。 萊布尼茨的父親是萊比錫大學的倫理學教授,在萊氏6歲時去世,留下了壹個私人的圖書館。12歲時自學拉丁文,並著手學習希臘文。14歲時進入萊比錫大學念書,20歲時完成學業,專攻法律和壹般大學課程。1666年他出版第壹部有關於哲學方面的書籍,書名《制品的藝術》(On the Art of Combinations)。 zh. *** /wiki/%E6%88%88%E7%89%B9%E5%BC%97%E9%87%8C%E5%BE%B7%C2%B7%E5%A8%81%E5%BB%89%C2%B7%E8%8E%B1%E5%B8%83%E5%B0%BC%E8%8C%A8 =============================================