1、appearance 和 look 都指“人或物的外表”。
在指人時,往往包括衣著, 如:His appearance is very neat. 他外表很整潔。
在指壹般事物時,往往含有外表和實質不壹致的概念,如:Do not judge according to the appearance. 不要從事物的外表來判斷。
Never judge a man by his looks. 不要從貌取人。
用單數,指“表情”、“神色”, 如:
There was a look of suppressed anger on his face. 他臉上露出壹種抑制怒氣的表情。
sign:“標記、跡象、征兆”,如:a traffic sign--交通標記;no sign of life. 沒有生命的跡象
sight:“視力、風景”,caught the sight of land--看到陸地了;the sights of London--倫敦風光;sight-seeing--觀光
view:“觀點、概覽、視野”,a point of view--觀點;
This book will give you a general view of the world war. 這部書可以使妳對於世界大戰有壹個概括的認識。
The aircraft has disappeared from view.飛機從視野中消失了;