古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - order 的用法

order 的用法



1. The machine is in good working order. 機器運轉良好。

2. The four seasons follow in order. 四個季節依次輪換。

3. Our laboratory is kept in good order. 我們的實驗室保持整齊。(句中in good order為主語補語。)

4. In case the device is out of order, you have to repair it at once. 如果該裝置發生故障,妳就得馬上修理。

5. N2, H2 and He, in the order named, are more difficult to liquefy than air. N2,H2和He比空氣難於液化的程度按其順序依次遞增。

6. A list of some of the common metals in the order of their activity is given below. 下面列出了某些金屬按其活潑順序排列的壹個表格。


1. The factory has received an order for 2,000 machine tools. 工廠受到了壹張要買2,000 臺機床的訂貨單。

2. These machines are made to order. 這些機器是定做的。(to order指按照訂貨要求的樣式而言。)

3. The average diameter of an atomic nucleus is of the order 10 or 10 centimeter. 原子核平均直徑在10(10的負12次方)或10(10的負13次方)厘米範圍內。

4. Maximum signal currents are of the order of 50 ma. 最大信號電流是在50毫安這個數量級。

5. He gave orders for the work to be started. (=…orders that the work should be started.)他下令開始工作。

三、用“in order+帶to的不定式”表示目的狀語:

1. We are working hard (in order) to build socialism in China. 我們正在為中國建設社會主義而努力工作。

2. In order to measure the resistance of a conductor, it is necessary to have some fixed standard. 為了測量導體的電阻,就要有某種固定的標準。

3. They took off their shoes upon (on) entering, in order not to soil the mats. 他們進來時都脫鞋,免得弄臟地毯。

4. In order to adjust the level, we may screw the bolt up or down. 我們上下擰動螺釘以調節該水平儀。

註1:有時可省略in order,而直接用不定式表示目的狀語:

We have produced a lot of tractors (in order) to meet the needs of our agriculture.我們生產了許多拖拉機以滿足我們農業的需要。

(In order) To understand these uses, you must know some of the properties of oxygen.要了解這些用途,妳必須知道氧的某些性質。

註2:註意in order後面出現不定式的邏輯主義for…的情況:

In order for two forces to neutralize each other, they must act on the same object.為了使兩個力互相抵消,它們必須作用於同壹物體上。

註3:若用“on purpose+不定式”代替“in order +不定式”,則前者含有特地、故意意味而使目的的狀語語氣加強。例如:

She has left this tool on purpose for you to use.她有意把這個工具留在這裏讓出使用。

四、用“in order that”引導目的從句:

1. What is needed in order that electrical charges may moves? 需要什麽才能使電荷運動呢?

2. In order that work can be done, in scientific sense, a force must move an object through some distance. 就科學意義來說,為了做功,力必須推動物體通過壹定距離。

3. You must knock down the machines before shipping in order that they shall arrive in good shape. 妳們必須在裝運前拆卸這些機器以使他們完整無損到達。

4. The old worker, in order that there might be no time lost, oiled the machines himself. 為節省時間,老工人親自給機器上油。

註:在in order that引出的目的狀語從句內,常用情態動詞may,might,can,could,shall等。當目的的狀語從句在句末時,還常可用so that或to the end that代替in order that。


1. They have ordered 1,000 oil pumps from our factory.他們已向我廠訂購1,000臺油泵。

2. The doctor ordered him to stay there.醫生囑咐他留在那裏。(不定式短語to stay there作賓語補語)