Although, for Christians, Christmas is not the most important of festivals, it is probably the most widely celebrated religious occasion in the West. This festival celebrates the birth of the messiah in Bethlehem Palestine about two thousand years ago. This messiah was Jesus Christ who, Christians believe, was sent to save mankind and absolve them from their sins. Nowadays, you might be forgiven for missing the religious element to this festival as it has descended somewhat into an orgy of consumerism and indulgence. Gifts are given amongst family and friends and cards wishing “Seasonal Greetings” sent between just about everyone. Father Christmas, otherwise known as Santa Claus, is said to squeeze his way down chimneys across the world on Christmas Eve and deliver presents to any children that have behaved well over the last year. Another important motif of the festival is the Christmas tree, around which traditionally people would dance around hinting at the pagan origins of this mid-winter celebration.
雖然對基督教徒來說,聖誕節並不是其最重要的節日,但是在西方,它卻是壹個最受廣泛慶祝的節日。聖誕節慶祝的是兩千多年前彌賽亞(猶太人盼望的復國救主)在巴勒斯坦伯利恒的誕生。這個彌賽亞就是耶穌(基督教信奉的救世主)。基督教徒相信,耶穌是被派來拯救人類並協助人們擺脫罪惡的救世主。如今,就算妳已經忘記了這個節日的本來意義也不會有人怪罪妳,因為,現在的聖誕節已經演變成為大肆消費、狂歡與縱情享受的節日。在這個節日裏,親人們、朋友間都會互送禮物,滿載著“節日祝福”的賀卡也會送到每壹個人的手中。“聖誕之父”(Father Christmas),也就是我們所熟知的“聖誕老人”(Santa Claus),據說會在聖誕節前夕順著煙囪下來,給世界各地的孩子們送去禮物,這些收到禮物的孩子必定是那些在過去的壹年中各方面表現都很優秀的孩子。聖誕節的另壹個重點是聖誕樹,在這壹天,人們會圍著聖誕樹跳舞,這也表明聖誕樹是聖誕節形成之前的隆冬節日的重要組成部分。