古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 美國歷史amendment4~10 分別是什麽?如果要用表述,那我畫什麽?

美國歷史amendment4~10 分別是什麽?如果要用表述,那我畫什麽?


Amendment 4: Protection from searches and seizures. 任何人都不可以在沒有得到認可的狀況下翻看別人的私人物品。

Amendment 5: Right to an attorney. 每個嫌疑犯都需要並且應該有壹個律師來幫助嫌疑犯拜托嫌疑。 如果嫌疑犯不能自己支付的話,將由政府提供壹個免費的律師。

Amendment 6: The accused has the right to a quick trial. 罪犯應該有壹個及時並且快的審訊。

Amendment 7: There should be a grand jury when it is a civil case. 在涉嫌錢的案子裏,應該有壹個陪審團來決定嫌疑犯是否有罪。

Amendment 8: No cruel and unusual punishments. 不能對罪犯或嫌疑犯有殘忍或者不正常的懲罰。

Amendment 9: Individual Rights: Citizens have individual rights those are not listed in the Constitution. 美國公民有基本權益比如,吃飯,睡覺,喝水,說話,等等。

Amendment 10: States' Rights: Any right that's not assigned to the Congress is reserved for the states. 各州的權利只要不是給國會(congress) 的, 就是給州政府的。
