古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - 胸悶 英文

胸悶 英文

胸悶的英文是Chest tightness。胸悶是壹種主觀感覺,即呼吸費力或氣不夠用。輕者無不適,重者覺得難受,似乎被石頭壓住胸膛,甚至發生呼吸困難,可伴隨其他癥狀如胸痛、壓迫感、心悸、喘、灼熱感、吐酸水、冒冷汗、惡心、嘔吐等。胸悶可能是身體器官的功能性表現,也可能是人體發生疾病的最早癥狀之壹。

咳嗽胸悶cough with chest distress、胸悶如窒stifling oppression in the chest

氣短胸悶shortness of breath and oppression in the chest

胸悶欲嘔chest tightness and nausea、胸悶脅痛chest distress and costalgia

胸悶脹痛distending pain and oppression in the chest、胸悶不舒chest oppression

1.Asthma is a chronic disease of childhood that produces recurring episodes of breathing problems like coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath?and?chest tightness.?


2.Heart attack symptoms such?as?chest?pain?or?tightness,?shortness of? breath, sudden dizziness, weakness, or nausea.

心臟病發作的癥狀,比如胸痛或胸悶、?呼吸急促、突然頭暈、虛弱無力,或者惡心 。

3.Inhalation of 1-3 mg/m3 for 2-5 hours may cause headaches, salivation, metallic taste in the mouth, chills, cough, fever, tremors, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting,?tightness?in?the?chest,?difficulty breathing,? fatigue, or lung irritation.

吸入1-3 mg/m3達2-5個小時可導致頭痛、流涎癥、口內的金屬味、打寒顫、咳嗽、發燒、抖顫、腹部絞痛、腹瀉、惡心、嘔吐、胸部緊固、呼吸困難、疲勞或肺部發炎。?